Page 4 - Telecom Reseller October November 2020
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4 Telecom Reseller
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You can make life easier for agents and improve outcomes by using call center software with AI and machine learning in its predictive dialer.
case for AI inclusion since the dialer will “learn” and become smarter with age. Some customers may leave a message for a call back at a particular time. Input all these into your predictive dialer and your agents will be happy with the distributed workload and positive outcomes.
The predictive dialer works best at outbound campaigns and in capturing leads when it
is tied to a CRM. The better contact center software usually includes CRM integration and analytics. Use it every day. You will find just how useful it is in discovering gems
of information. Your operations improve with each passing day. This is what BigBPO did with the result that agents could do more with less stress. Costs reduced while throughputs and conversions improved. CRM integration means better agent disposition, which is entering information manually. You can configure predictive dialer to set up custom disposition. It will reduce burden post the call by capturing call record and transaction status as well as lead filtering.
The predictive dialer software plays a crucial role and can enhance productivity if set up properly. Try the above mentioned tips and you should see an improvement in agent efficiency as well as conversions. n
September/October 2020
CallCabinet Brings Compliance Recording to LogMeIn’s GoToConnect
The Atmos call recording platform delivers compliance, analytics, and security to GoToConnect-hosted VoIP services.
oca Raton, FL - CallCabinet, makers of the Atmos call recording and
analytics platform, has announced full
      dial numbers regardless of whether an agent is still on a call or just about to finish. The result is that it could connect to a person who is then put on hold –never a good practice. You can make life easier for agents and improve outcomes by using call center software with AI and machine learning in its predictive dialer. Still, this is what you can do:
l Define stage action that will predict when an agent is likely to finish a call and start dialing, check if a human picks up and have call ready by the time the agent has finished with the current one.
l In the alternative, you could configure the dialer to start dialing only when agent finishes a call.
Do not ignore DNC
Most call centers put in place a mechanism to screen out DNC numbers. If not, spend time in weeding out such DNC numbers to avoid wasting time. Configure the predictive dialer to check periodically for DNC and segregate such numbers.
The ideal scenario is one in which agents get to tackle calls in a steady stream and have happy closures. Unfortunately, when you have unsorted lists and calls go through to numbers spread across geographic locations the outcome is poor. Avoid this
by segregating list and configuring the predictive dialer to pick numbers in the same geographic and time zone. There are other parameters too such as picking the right time to call should you have data on the target so that called parties actually pick up and talk instead of giving the brush off.
Answering machine detection
This is a no-brainer and should be configured into the dialer to recognize answering machine, cut the call and initiate another one, making sure that the agent is about to end an ongoing conversation. You could leave it at that. You can go one better by setting up predictive system to drop
a voicemail with IVR contact number at such numbers that respond with answering machines.
At any given point in time a call center may have more than one ongoing campaign
and an agent may be engaged in multiple campaigns. This becomes a challenge since you must then configure the predictive dialer to track agents and concurrent campaigns they are logged into and then define dialing rates. Make it smooth so that agents are not frustrated and overburdened trying to handle calls for several campaigns and making mistakes. You can allocate time slices or throttle campaigns that are less important.
Aggregate quality leads and follow up The first call generates leads but these do require persistent follow up to result in conversions. IF you have a smart dialer
and CRM you could set aside such leads
for another round of follow up campaign. The time spent may be variable since some serious leads will have extended discussions while some may be busy and will ask for
a call later on while others will state that they are still thinking over it. Follow up cases require you to adjust the predictive dialer a little bit. Here again there is a strong
Did you carry out CRM integration?
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audio integration with GoToConnect. Atmos integrates directly at the network level making it possible to securely record any GoToConnect-enabled phone in the specific VoIP service network. Atmos now offers unparalleled security to GoToConnect users needing compliance. Atmos’ integration
also offers GoToConnect users advanced voice analytics that accurately dissects audio content, transcription, and emotive trends across every call.
“GoToConnect has been delivering a dynamic call platform to the customer service industry for many years”, CallCabinet CEO Ryan Kahan said. “We see Atmos as
a powerful tool that securely captures and analyzes calls for deep customer experience (CX) insights”. He continued, “Atmos deploys over GoToConnect VoIP services in To read this article further please visit

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