Page 10 - Telecom Reseller May June 2019
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       10 Telecom Reseller September/October2018
May/June 2019
RCionmgCmeunntralandsZAononmoVunidceo TelecomReseller 13 migration from on-premise to cloud.
Nuvias awarded
PBX and video technology, aiding the
they already provide. proactive insights for all departments allowing l Growing user adoption to realize full ROI
Announces the
partners to deepen relationships within a of their IT investment.
PRODOSCORE GIVES PARTNERS ACCESS TO customer’s entire organization. By increasing l Increasing sales performance by replicating
for Poly
Multi-Year Extension of
organizations bring their teams together in directly requested by their customer base.
Partner Program
they are on the front-lines of innovation exclusive to:
a frictionless environment to get more done. Interested partners should visit https://www.
Building on its successful collaboration with Polycom, Nuvias Unified Communications
with an AI solution that addresses multiple l Freeing capital by identifying excessive customer needs. Machine Learning delivers operational expenditures.
(UC) is extending its remit to cover the
video, voice, content sharing, and chat runs across mobile devices, desktops, telephones, and room systems. Zoom is headquartered in San Jose, California.
entire Poly range – following the Plantronics IRVINE, CA - ProdoscoreTM, the workforce
acquisition of Polycom
productivity optimization company, has
Nuvias, the EMEA high-value distributor, announced the Prodoscore Partner Program,
“Our architecture is video-first, cloud-native and optimized to dynamically process and deliver reliable, high-quality video across all devices and spaces. We’re excited to extend our relationship to enable more enterprises to replace their legacy systems with modern cloud solutions.”
“We are happy to continue our fruitful partnership with Zoom to bring the
best video experience to our customers,” said Vlad Shmunis, Founder, Chairman and CEO, RingCentral. “Our cloud communications solutions are designed for today’s mobile, global and distributed workforce. Our partnership with Zoom extends the capabilities of RingCentral’s platform with world-class video communications capabilities.”
This partnership between two industry leaders will continue to provide RingCentral customers with best-in-class cloud-based
is extending the reach of its UC vendor giving channel partners, managed service
About RingCentral
RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE: RNG) is a
leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications, collaboration, and contact center solutions. More flexible and cost- effective than legacy on-premises systems, the RingCentral platform empowers employees to Work as OneTM from any location, on any device, and via any mode to better serve customers, improving business efficiency and customer satisfaction. The company provides unified voice, video meetings, team messaging, digital customer engagement, and integrated contact
center solutions for enterprises globally. RingCentral’s open platform integrates with leading business apps and enables customers to easily customize business workflows. RingCentral is headquartered in Belmont, California. n
portfolio by achieving Distributor status for providers, and consultants the ability to
the Poly headset range across the UK, France bring innovative and actionable AI tools to
and the Benelux.
a broad range of customers. Partners will
Poly, combining excellence in voice and receive customizable Go-To-Market and
video communication technology from sales enablement tools, free demo accounts,
Polycom and Plantronics, offers innovative, lead sharing opportunities, and lucrative
smart solutions for the modern workspace, commissions. The Prodoscore Partner Program
making it a perfect fit for Nuvias’ UC range. empowers partners to assist new and existing
Intuitive, mobile, interoperable, Poly’s customers to improve corporate performance
collaborative solutions are designed to
and create a more productive workforce while
enable people to be productive wherever opening a revenue stream at the leading edge of
they are, across multiple collaboration the growing AI/ML software space.
“Prodoscore stands out because partners
Steve Harris, MD Nuvias Unified
can leverage the value proposition to win
Communications said, “We are experts in new customers and grow revenue from their
collaboration and unified communications existing base, ultimately increasing their total
technology for the channel. We have a
lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
long history of enabling partners to take Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single
best-in-class solutions to their customers solution can help partners expand their services
and the addition of the Poly headset
to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support
portfolio enables us to further enhance the departments.”
user experience. Our ability to deliver an end-to-end UC solution from Poly means
We can confidently say that we have the best hardware rental program in the
BELMONT, CA & SAN JOSE, CA - RingCentral, Inc. (NYSE:RNG), a leading provider of global enterprise cloud communications, collaboration, and
contact center solutions and Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (“Zoom”) (NASDAQ: ZM), a leader in modern enterprise video- first unified communications solutions,
have announced a multi-year extension of their partnership. This extension will allow RingCentral customers to continue replacing their legacy on-premise communications infrastructure with a best-in-class solution that leverages the combined power of RingCentral’s cloud PBX and Zoom’s video communications platform.
“We have had a strong partnership with RingCentral over many years, enabling them to bring our frictionless video platform to their global customers,” said Eric S. Yuan, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Zoom.
Zoom’s easy, reliable cloud platform for n
guiding the behaviors of top performers.
Zoom (NASDAQ: ZM) helps businesses and
rce p
Prodoscore partners are differentiated because their customers to benefits including but not l Identifying new market opportunities
About Zoom
 industry. Our Device as a Service (DaaS) rental program gives your customers the Masergy Announces Significant Channel
widest variety of VoIP Products for a low monthly payment! Programme Growth in Europe
Doubles European channel partners Nerland, industry veteran, has joined focus on detailed account mapping,
and adds key new channel resources Masergy to head up the UK Channel strategic business planning and
Why Join the VoIP Supply Rental Program?
London - Masergy, the leading account management team. Emily key joint marketing programs with
provider of managed SD-WAN, has extensive experience working in Channel partners. Through a series
product and technology specific
certification programs, partners are
equipped with specialist knowledge
and the means to sell and promote
Fast & Easy to Apply — One-page application
cloud communications and managed the UK Channel for several service of on-site and virtual training plus
security solutions, has announced
significant growth of its Channel
programme – doubling its revenue
generating European partners to
providers and is perfectly positioned to deliver the Masergy vision in the
Approved Within Days
Nerland adds, “I’m incredibly
Wide Variety of VoIP Products (phones, conference phones, PBXs, and more)
nearly 80 in the last 12 months. excited to be joining the Masergy solutions to enterprise customers The company remains on track to team and executing on its strategic globally.
have joint wins withIfmyorue tahraen 1in50terested pinlanjos tino idnrgivethcoentVinouIePd SgruopwpthlyinDaaS RentRaolbPMreorghreaj,mDirector of
partners by the end of the year. the Channel. The market opportunity Channel Sales at AVANT and a
Masergy has also gained a lot of traction in developing its alliance relationships in Europe, including its Global premier partnership with Cisco in the collaboration space.
Driven by EMEA Managing Director Steve Harrington, Masergy is combining technical excellence with strategic channel support. Harrington explains, “We’re amplifying partner revenue capabilities and driving
new opportunities in the channel. In order to continue this success, the UK account management team has doubled, and we’ve bolstered our partner training programmes. In addition to this investment, I am pleased to announce that Emily
for our partners is boundless
and I know that we are perfectly positioned with our innovative solutRioensnatndBirnadunsdtrys-lLeaikdieng: customer experience to help them achieve their goals.”
Masergy has placed considerable
Masergy is combining technical excellence with strategic channel
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please email us at and request the form!
Masergy partner explains, “With organisations looking to harness the cloud and digitally transform day-to-day operations, it’s become more important than ever that
we make networking as secure, reliable and effective for our clients as possible. With this in mind,
our relationship with Masergy is fundamental. The team has been our
go-to partner for Managed SD WAN,
Cloud communications, and Managed
Security in the United States for many
years. We signed up to the European
Channel programme over two years
From hardware to service, we have
ago and haven’t looked back since.”
everything you need for VoIP
More at https://www.masergy.
that our partners can provide a fully-
integrated, interoperable solution, deployed The product’s architecture makes it an inherent
and managed via our two-tier online complement to a partner’s existing technology
ordering platform HUB, provisioning and portfolio by allowing them to provide additional
management tools Dovetail.”
services without cannibalizing their staple
Nuvias Unified Communications
product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates
incorporates technologies from multiple Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary
vendors for the fast-growing video and algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s
voice collaboration market segment. Poly Machine Learning and Natural Language
enhances these solutions with its high- Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud
quality end-point devices to offer a truly applications like CRM and UCaaS platforms.
unique voice and video collaboration Partners can continue delivering returns on
portfolio for the channel. Partners can also existing solutions because customers will
access Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) and other discover new insights from data already within
unique financing solutions through Nuvias their current technology stack.
Capital, helping organisations to accelerate partner growth.
The flexible program
* Nuvias Capital services are available are
limited to the UK at the present time More at n
welcomes partners of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce MC oEnDsIuAl t Pa nAtCsKt o Te l c o Agents
The flexible program welcomes partners of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce
Consultants to Telco Agents. Prodoscore
is a great fit for channel partners in the communications space looking to change
with the market because it provides additional
premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already
Toll Free: 800 667-8965
in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will
be able tocoafftegroaryn/oin-pcroinmtp/tetliencgompr-oduct that
enhances the value of services and solutions
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