Page 11 - Telecom Reseller May June 2019
P. 11

Collaboration: Connecting customers to
partners will be very easy with simple tools
Vendor Evaluation: ‘How’ Matters
for finding the right partner. Collaboration
Telecom Reseller 11 SJust As Much As What Is Delivered
 us to b
mor of
the quip
PCaetrtoifineAdpCphoaintns NTS as
May/June 2019
within the community will also be kept simple, through the use of social technologies integrated with some of Vonage’s own
 communication bots. earch for famous sayings about laws COLWELL controls. Each of these traits is a leading indicator
uild Voic
e Bots
our off
how they
are made.”
The hu
So, understanding how results are delivered enables
Plenom Signs Distributor
organization. Most recently, Ruditsky was part of the
executive team at Actiance, Inc. where he developed
Agreement With ABPTech for
ISV and OEM relationships with IBM and built and
launched a global VAR program that helped lead to
kuando Busylight
a successful sale to K1 Investment Man-agement in
...continued from page 9
late 2017. Ruditsky will lead an international team of BlueJeans team members and partners to continue
on 3CX and also for their attention to innovative
the growth and expansion of its channel business and
products,” said Friend. “Over the years we have
seen ABP Technology act as a true evangelist
“There is a terrific market opportunity for BlueJeans
and catalyst in the market and are really excited
as we continue to work alongside the industry’s best
to work with their team on growing kuando
partners, including Ingram Micro,” said Ruditsky.
Busylight sales in this new space for us.”
“Enterprise companies in every market segment
ABP Technology president Robert Messer said
are fully aware of the impact that meeting and
he is impressed with the ability of the kuando
collaboration solutions like BlueJeans have on the
Busylight to enhance workplace production and
morale, engagement and bottom line of the business.
performance and most important for its time
There is literally an endless runway for us to grow with
our part-ner community.”
“The kuando Busylight is a product that
Thp r o e v I i n d g e r s a e m n d M u i s c e r r o s a d n i s i t n r i c b r u e d t i i o b n l e a – g r a e l me m o e s t n t f o l l o w s theparnicneoleusns c–evmaleunet,”osfaBidluMeJesasners.’ “rIen-cteondtaly’sexopaend- ed chaonffinceel pernovgiroanmmfeonrtpwarhtennerwsethaaret ioncltuhdeepBhlouneeJeans
in tuhseiinrguanhifieeadsceot,mcomwuonrikceartsiornoustsionleulytiointserarnudpthelp us because they are unaware that we are talking
customers migrate from legacy conferencing solu-tions
to someone on the phone. By using a kuando
to BlueJeans’ modern cloud platform. The program
Busylight, we have two people that can be more
offers additional benefits and incentives to partners
efficient and productive simply by being aware
who invest in the skills and certifications required
of the other’s status.”
to deliver successful customer outcomes. Since
Melvin Whirley, ABP Technology Director
the program was instituted, channel partners have
of Channel for 3CX, said the kuando Busylight
increased pipeline deals with impressive growth among
3CX solution offers an abundance of benefits.
large enterprise, finance and education customers.
“The kuando Busylight is an amazing product
BlueJeans partners, including Dolby Laboratories,
and it’s so easy to adapt to 3CX and works with
Facebook, Kaptivo, Polycom, Mi-crosoft and
most phones that 3CX supports,” said Whirley.
Voicera, help create a unified experience across all
“The kuando Busylight also helps our channel
enterprise endpoints inside and outside the office
partners sell more 3CX phone systems because whciluesbtoumildeirnsgunindneorsvtatnivdetahpepvlaicluaeti.oThnsefyoradthdeawnork- p l a e c l e e . m F o e n r t M o f i c i r n o n s o o v ft a t c i u o n s t o a ms w e e r s l l , a m s e e e ffi t i c n i e g n s c a y r e t o a l s o remanarykoaffiblcyeswimoprklespwaicteh. tPhluesB, ltuhe-yJejuasntsloGoakterwealyly forcMooicl!r”oDsoaftllaTse-bamassedprAoBviPdTinegchonoel-otogyucishamleeaedting
value-add specialty distributor for IP technology
and native calendar-ing on any room system. In
solutions. Plenom is a Denmark-based office
addition, BlueJeans now includes Microsoft Office 365
intelligence company that has offered kuando
scheduling, which provides one-touch calendar and
solutions on the global market since 2006.
meeting entry from Mac, Win-dows and Outlook Web
More at and http://
Access. n n
el Partner
“tPoint Solutions help optimize and connect and sausage and you’ll find variants of of results. Consider that mature processes yield the customer interactions for businesses this quote attributed to American poet predictable results. Highly automated processes
John Godfrey Saxe: “Laws, like sausages, by Timothy C. Colwell, SVP reduce human-induced error, and thorough
that include some of the largest logistics
companies in EMEA. Nexmo APIs have enabled cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know Efficiency First® Adoption – process controls mitigate unnecessary business risk.
ngs tha
are increasing customer satisfaction and elevated the more I think about it. I love a great customers to evaluate factors that drive optimal
improving efficiencies for our customers,” sausage, but don’t really don’t care to understand its results. Some managed services vendors go so far results and identify risk factors that hinder results.
NTS Direct will distribute the Patton available from NTS in the near future. two questions,” said Michael Koker, fast-moving All-IP market, Patton has been
said Andy Griffin, Founder and CEO, tPoint pre-grill genesis story. as to say their processes are proprietary, to shield SmartNodeTM portfolio of enterprise VoIP Selling through education, training, and Director of Business Development at
Solutigoantesw.“aTyhs,eevSaBlCues,wanedgeIAtDisss,iamspwlel,lasthe Telescuopmpo,mrt,oNbiTlitSyDanirdeIcTtivseangdgoressosiftvenlyufsoecaused“oDmoeinsstphecntienwgtphreobdaucckt-ofiffillcaendeetdails.
When drafting laws and making sausage, there
workiPnagtwtointhCNloeuxdmnoeatwnodrokt-hedegrepaortcnhesrtsration withinsetrhveicNees.xmo Connect program, we’re gettingGinAnoITvaHtEivReSnBeUwRsGe,rMvicAeRsYtoLAmNaDrkeatnd
versioonnofntehwe sgaruoswagthe qmuaortkeettos.inNfoTrSmDciursetcotmisers that thceoymshmoiuttldedntoot bperocvoindcienrgnedngwinitehehrionwg and solutiolanbiosrdseulipveproerdt;troatuhperh,ocludsttohmeierrsresphuotualtdion as
Focwuistihnignoonuvrecnudsotrormeseurltbsaasseo, panpdosdedoetsoour how rneseuwltsmaarenugefancetruartedr pseaermtnserehasaovneaablveision onthefosrurffuatcuer,ebutetcthneoreloagliiteysi?sWthaiththPea‘thtown’
diligently innovating, leading the future of areesctaobmlismhuednicoantitoronl.sdesignedtoprotectthe integritIyt oisf tohuerejnody ptorocdouncnt.eCctowntirtohlsosuhrocuuldstaolmsoers be appanlieddbbuysibnuessisnepsasretsnceornssiunmthinisg msoilsustionsoffrom vendonrest.wDornk’ttjruadngsefoarvmenadtiorno,nbupirlodminigseodnremsuolrtse
a trusted consultative advisor.
the answer is “yes” to both of those
than four decades of technology expertise
faster and we’re improving the businesses of
focus on the results. In theory, this makes sense.
underpinning the results significantly influences
alone. Understand how vendors deliver results to
Electronics – US-manufacturer of enabling
Patton selected NTS Direct as a new
questions. We are excited about our newly-
in Unified Communications, Network
our customers.” Learn more about Nexmo
Let the vendors excel at what they do and judge
the quality of outcomes. Understanding the ‘how’
make the most informed decision when evaluating
products for SIP trunking, UCaaS, Cloud,
value-added distributor because of its
formed relationship and look forward to
Access, and Network Connectivity.
Connect at
them on the results, not the practices that yield the
sheds light on process maturity, automation and
vendors to satisfy your business requirements. n Incorporated 1984, Patton designs and
and IoT solutions – and NTS Direct – a
rich 20-year history of providing a broad portfolio of communications solutions to resellers, SMBs, and enterprises via their value-added services.
representing the Patton Brand.”
manufactures high-quality, right-priced
products and services that connect you
value-added distributor of voice and data
About NTS Direct
solutions for SMB and enterprise markets
Vonage (NYSE:VG) is redefining business
A- Os k c t t o h b e e T r e 2 l e 0 c 1 o 8 m P r o
to the cloud and the Internet of Things,
– have initiated a business relationship
NTS Direct believes in providing the
duplicate records, detail records, and
communications. True to our roots as a
Bureau. FEMA administers the Integrated
: Carriers may charge administrative
designating NTS as a Patton Certified
Partnering with a company like NTS Direct, which employs a consultative
best customer experience possible by
leveraging virtualization, SDN, NFV, and
technology disruptor, we’ve embraced
Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS),
fees for several things including
Channel Partner.
simplifying the technology procurement
Patton is uniquely qualified to help
technology to transform how companies
which is a public safety system connected
Patton is excited to announce a new
communicate to create better business
with participating wireless carriers.
different media types. Charges vary by
partnership with NTS Direct that will serve
distribution model with a consultative
connect carrier, enterprise and industrial
outcomes. Our unique cloud communications
Organizations such as county, city, state
carrier and situation.
SMB and enterprise markets throughout
sales approach focusing on design,
networks to these advanced new-generation
platform brings together a robust unified
and federal public safety agencies can
A best practice is to understand each
North America by supplying Patton’s commuuniificeadt-ioconms smouluntiicoantiwonitshatnhdecaloguildit-ybased ofempbreodduecdt,scaonndtesoxltutaiolncos.mmunications APIs thrNouTgShDNireexcmt wo,ilTl hdeisVtroibnuatgeethAePPI atton PlatfoSrma. rTthNiosdpeoTMwpeorrftufol cliomobf ienatteiropnriesne aVbolIePs
training, and support to create sales and regipstreofir taobbileityanopapleortiunngitaieusthforrriteyseinllers IPAWanSd, amnadntuhfiascatullroewrss. NthTeSmDtiorebcrtoisadacfausllt- WEAsemrveicsesadgisetrsibthurtioungchopmapratnicyiptahtaitnaglso wireoleffsesrscUarCriaearSsatnoduSsIePrTdreuvnickeinsgservices
technologies, while preserving investments carrieirns’lergaatceycTaDrdMfoarnaddsmerinalisctormatmivuenications chargeqsupiprmioerntto. Peanttoenr’isnwgoinrltdo-calabssuscuinsetosmser agreeamnedntetcahndicnalesguoptpiaortteics ueasgteormand able to termshfeolpr ayodumgientisytoruartisvoeluctihoanrgcoensn. eIfctehdeand
gateways, eSBCs, and IADs, as well as the
NTESmDeirregcet ntocyenAsulerretsu(cWceEssAfu) linprtohdeuct UnseitlecdtiSotnaatneds?deployment.
A“We see NTS Direct as an ideal
throughout North America. Headquartered
running smoothly.
businesses to collaborate more productively
supporting WEA.
business relationship is established
Patton Cloud network-edge orchestration
value-added distribution partner,” said
Qin Bolton, MA, NTS Direct utilizes multiple points of presence throughout the United
Headquartered in Gaithersburg, MD,
and engage their customers more effectively
: Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are
without negotiated terms, engage your
services. Patton’s CopperLinkTM and
Sean Gerrity, Regional Director of the
: My carrier charges to provide
USA, Patton is connected with an ever-
across messaging, chat, social media, video
governed by the Federal Emergency
account management team and seek a
FiberPlexTM IoT-enabling solutions will be
America’s at Patton. “Their solution-
States to best support their clients and the
growing network of technology, business,
and voice. [1] IDC, Worldwide Voice and Text Messaging Communications Platform- as-a-Service Forecast, 2018–2022, IDC #US4
Blu Pro Gro Dis Co
Partne o Lead N
MO Inc., cr deskto
A s i a P
will all
partne or a mea
collab Und
chann e access
the mo n emplo r.
“Blu a natura ns and co e Di-rec
workp and w B l u e J e BlueJe encing
Blu execut SVP, G
at EM
OEM, es
Management Agency (FEMA) within the
call detail records. Is this standard
waiver or reduced ‘good customer’ rate
experience, is key to the success of Patton’s next-generation cloud solutions for unified communications and IoT. As clients embark
Qon the journey to cloud-based services,
the customer
process. We reinvent the traditional
centric sales model ensures a positive
needs of their customers.
and sales-channel partners. To connect
Public Safety and Homeland Security
on an as-needed basis.
customer experience when transitioning to cloud-based solutions. When adding new product lines, we have to consider
About Patton
Patton is all about connections. In today’s
with local-market requirements, Patton operates training and support centers in locations spanning the globe. n
 3805418, May 2018 n ASK THE
 Telecom Pro
eJeans Channel
June 2019
gram Continues to w with InQgram Micro
 tribution and New
rporate Leadership
Can I submit one LOA to a vendor that provides services in multiple
 gs Platform AvailabA
le to Ingram Micro’s U.S. rs; Industry Channel Vet-eran Joins BlueJeans t
ext Phase of Partner Growth
UNTAIN VIEW, CA - Blue Jeans Network,
eator of the first cloud service to connect
ps, mobile devices and room systems in one
 A letter of agency or letter of
meeting, has an-nounced a U.S. distribution
authorization (LOA) is a document
ent with Ingram Micro Inc., extending the
that allows a company to register
n-ship after successfully selling together in
an agent to act on the company’s acifibceahnadlfEwMitEhAafvoernthdeopr.aLsOt yAe’asra. Thre e deal ow tarcicokmyparnehdevnesnivdeonrestwhaovrke odfiffUe.Sre. cnhtannel rs torebquuilidremeentitnsgfsorlustuiobnms iftotrinagnyLObuAs’isn.ess f
suraCblheeacnkdwseitchuryeoiunrcrsepaesecifincpvroednudcotirvity and on their LOA filing requirements or
seek advice from your agent.
er the expanded agQ
reement Ingram Micro
el partners in Asia and now also in the U.S. hav
to BlueJeans Meetings, BlueJeans Rooms and ans Events solutions. The meetings platform for
dern workplace eliminates all friction be-twee
eJeans is a cloud-naA
yees, partners and customers who work togethe
Is mobile number portability
 available everywhere?
tive meetings platform and
l fit within our growing unified communicatio llaboration portfolio,” said Jeff Yelton, Executiv tor, Ingram Micro. “Demand for intelligent laces is building among busi-nesses of all sizes,
e’re eNxucimtebdetor pexotretnadbioliutyr raelloatwiosnship with ansmanodbeixle-puasnedrsotuorpUo.Sr.tpaonrtufomliboetor include a n ’ s b o e n t e w- t o e u e c n h c v a i r d r e i e o r , s a . u I d t i i o s a a n v d a i wl a e b b l e c o n f e r -
 soluintimonasn.”y countries, but it is not ubiquitous. Check with the
eJeans also announced that channel industry
telecommunications regulatory
ive, Barry Ruditsky, joined the company as
body for each country in question
lobal Channels. Ruditsky spent nearly 11 years
to learn the details of availability.
C where he managed indirect sales including resellers and channel partners with a global sal
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