Page 9 - Telecom Reseller January February 2020
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and create a more productive workforce while
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January/February 2020
DEE HAWKINS an order. No one wants to be greeted by
a machine when the item they so happily ordered stopped working in two days. Or didn’t arrive at all.
Automated voicemail systems often do little more than provide your customers with
a robotic source of frustration. Voicemail might sound like an easy way to funnel calls.
However: What happens when there
are no appropriate menu options for your customers? What if their need is urgent? What happens when your customer starts to leave a message, the call drops, and they have to go through the options menu again?
They’re certainly not going to be thrilled.
When a customer calls and gets ahold of a live answering service, the person who takes their call will input data such as customer name,phonenumber,ordernumber, complaint, and other helpful information. If a call drops, they can call the customer back without missing a beat.
Data can be pulled up, and their call may continue as if nothing happened. This is a level of professionalism is offered only by a live answering service.
One of the primary reasons businesses start to move away from in-office answering to voicemail systems is due to the need for increased productivity. However, these systems are often incredibly inefficient and create even more work on the back end.
Someone must listen to voicemails one by one, screen them, record the important data, and then the calls back begin. If the message
Communications said, “We are experts in new customers and grow revenue from their
Telecom Reseller
enable people to be productive wherever opening a revenue stream at the leading edge of
their legacy on-premise communications infrastructure with a best-in-class solution that leverages the combined power of RingCentral’s cloud PBX and Zoom’s video communications platform.
and CE commu for toda workfor extends platfor commu
This leaders custom
they are, across multiple collaboration the growing AI/ML software space.
“Prodoscore stands out because partners
Steve Harris, MD Nuvias Unified
can leverage the value proposition to win
collaboration and unified communications existing base, ultimately increasing their total
“We have had a strong partnership with
technology for the channel. We have a
lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
VIAVI Teams with
continued from page 7
“One of the primary reasons businesses start to move away from in-office answering to voicemail systems is due to the need for increased productivity.
isn’t clear, the customer will need to repeat it whenyoucontactthem.
A live answering service takes away the need to answer every call that comes into your office and prevents you from having added work. With a live service, data will be entered by the service provider.
If something isn’t clear, they’ll clarify
the customer’s need. They’ll be able
to respond to any and every situation
with professionalism and empathy. Live answering systems handle the tasks that take time away from the things you want to be doing, such as running your business.
Your employees will be freed up to do their jobs, as well. A live answering service can: Answer frequently asked questions Provide customers with their order
history and shipping information Advise customers regarding their
long history of enabling partners to take Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single
RingCentral over many years, enabling them
to bring our frictionless video platform to
best-in-class solutions to their customers soluretitounrncasntahtuelsp partners expand their services
their global customers,” said Eric S. Yuan, Founder, Chairman and CEO of Zoom.
and the addition of the Poly headset
to tOheffCer-spurioted,usaclteisn, mfoarrmkeatinogn, and support
Ingram Micro to
portfolio enables us to further enhance the departments.”
Enhance Network
In addition to:
user experience. Our ability to deliver an
We can confidently say that w
Filtering your calls
end-to-end UC solution from Poly means
Taking messages outside of your business that our partners can provide a fully- REVENUE STREAMS FOR PARTNERS
industry. Our Device as a Servi Performance for
Masergy Annou
integrated, interoperable solution, deployed The product’s architecture makes it an inherent
Transferring calls to the appropriate and managed via our two-tier online
Service Providers
complement to a partner’s existing technology
widest variety of VoI
Programme Gro
ordering platform HUB, provisioning and portfolio by allowing them to provide additional
maKneaegpeimngenytotuorolisnD-hoovuetsaeilp.”hone numbers services without cannibalizing their staple
and Enterprises
product lines. Prodoscore’s technology creates
incorporates technologies from multiple Actionable AnalyticsTM using a proprietary
Giving Customers the Best
vendors for the fast-growing video and
Doubles European channel partners Nerl
algorithm paired with Google Cloud Platform’s voice collaboration market segment. Poly
and adds key new channel resources Mase
ThMaecrheiynoeuLhearvneinitg! AanldivNeatnusrwaleLraingusaegrevice enhances these solutions with its high-
Companies agree on a distribution deal for
London - Masergy, the leading acco
quality end-point devices to offer a truly parpopvlicdaitniognesxlciekleleCnRt McusatnodmUeCr saearSvpiclaet.foYromu’sl.l
VIAVI test solutions in the United States
unique voice and video collaboration Partners can continue delivering returns on
SAN JOSE, CA - Viavi Solutions Inc.
appear professional and consistent in your
cloud communications and managed the U
portfolio for the channel. Partners can also existing solutions because customers will
(VIAVI) (NASDAQ: VIAV) has announced
communication methods, and customers will
security solutions, has announced
access Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) and other discover new insights from data already within
an alliance with Ingram Micro Inc. for
recognize that your company values them.
significant growth of its Channel
unique financing solutions through Nuvias their current technology stack.
U.S. distribution of select VIAVI test
By cutting down on the time you answer
programme – doubling its revenue
Capital, helping organisations to accelerate
instruments for fiber and cable networks,
calls, your company's efficiency will
Wide Variety of VoIP Produc
partner growth.
and performance management solutions
The flexible program
nearly 80 in the last 12 months. excit
skyrocket. Will you take advantage of the
for enterprise networks. Market-leading
* Nuvias Capital services are available are
The company remains on track to team
wlinm-iwteidntnoatthuerUe Kofaat ltihveparnesewnetrtiinmgeservice? WeMhopreaytohuttjpuss:/t/swawidwy.neusv!
prohdauvcet jpooinrtfwolinos wreipthrIfemsyeonortuedtahirnaenth1ien50dtearlested pinlanj
incpluadrtenfiebresrbtyestthteoeonlsdsoufchthaesytheaerF. iberChek the please email us at voipr
SidMewasinedrgeryahnadsaTl-sBoEgRaDin/eMdTaSlo-2t0o0f0OTDR, foro
and I posit solut cust achi
welcomes partners of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce MCoEnDsIuAltPanAtCsKto Telco Agents
traction in developing its alliance
The flexible program welcomes partners of all backgrounds ranging from Salesforce
explains, “We’re amplifying partner
revenue capabilities and driving
Consultants to Telco Agents. Prodoscore
new opportunities in the channel. greIanteordnertwtorckonpteirnfuoermthainscseu,cvciesisbsi,lity and effitchienUcKy. account management team
is a great fit for channel partners in the communications space looking to change
“hVaIsAdVoIuibsleadg,laonbdalwlea’vderbionlstteesrted our partner training programmes.
with the market because it provides additional
and measurement for communication
benefits for thCeiarllc:u3s6t0o2m6e0r-s97to08switch from on-
In addition to this investment, I am
premise to UCaaS. Consultants and SIs already
service providers, as well as performance
Toll Free: 800 667-8965
in the Salesforce and Google ecosystems will
pleased to announce that Emily
To read this article further please visit
be able tocoafftegroaryn/oin-pcroinmtp/tetliencgompr-oduct that
enhances the value of services and solutions
provider of managed SD-WAN, has e
generating European partners to
Trilithic cable signal leakage detection,
potential of innovative technology to achieve
Why Join the
Fast & Easy
provi to de UK.”
relationships in Europe, including
Observer enterprise network performance
monitoring and diagnostics (NPMD), and a
its Global premier partnership with
Cisco in the collaboration space.
range of optical meters.
Driven by EMEA Managing Director
With the combined strengths of industry-
Steve Harrington, Masergy is
leading test and measurement solutions
combining technical excellence with
from VIAVI plus Ingram Micro’s service and
strategic channel support. Harrington
technology expertise, network managers
and service providers can fully realize the
Let Softel take
Microsoft Skype for Business in Office 365, UCMA Application
A kiosk reception solution exclusively from Softel
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