Page 4 - Telecom Reseller March-April 2020
P. 4
Steve Harris, MD Nuvias Unified
can leverage the value proposition to win
RingCe u
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We reve
are e nue
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Telecom Reseller
AKASH SONI The SIP application layer gateway
and the addition of the Poly headset
to the C-suite, sales, marketing, and support
collaboration and unified communications existing base, ultimately increasing their total
technology for the channel. We have a
lifetime value,” said Michael Sterl, CEO of Carve
long history of enabling partners to take Digital and Cloud Optik. “I like that a single
best-in-class solutions to their customers solution can help partners expand their services
portfolioenablesustofurthMearrecnhh/Aanpcreil2th0e20 departments.”
"Even a rewall is
not able to hide
internal topology
and that makes the
network vulnerable
to renaissance by
could be enhanced even more with a bit of configuration that address:
GL’s Solution for Load Testing CallT welcomes partners
increases risk by changing private IP address to public IP address. They may assist in network address traversal but the SBC does the job better by hiding inner topology.
The SBC can do a better job when network administrator or person in charge of security configures the IP PBX phone system along with the firewall for trusted and untrusted network as well as authentication and black list. At the same time, it helps to configure the IP PBX for intrusion detection to
management tools Dovetail.” s■ervLiicmesitwinigthroeugtisctaenrendibuasleizrsinpgetrhIePirgsrtoauppleand
AITHERSBURG, MD - GL organizations rely on call centers to fulfil He further added, “Testing call volume Communications Inc., a global their mission critical capabilities and and routing is essential for call centers leader in telecom test and business functions including: to confirm uninterrupted operation. GL
of all backgrounds ran force Telco
t ri
I t
measurement solutions, has addressed the ■ 911 and emergency services Communications can generate hundreds to
press regarding their ability to test call center ■ Customer support thousands of calls through the PSTN – at
performance. ■ Long Distance Services a sustained call rate – to your call center to ents
GL can automatically generate hundreds Especially now, during the coronavirus test the telecommunications infrastructure
of calls in a lab environment or over the crisis, many call centers for emergency and services. These calls can be generated
Public Switched Telephone Network services, airlines, hotels, etc. are being as a service by GL for a simple solution The ners (PSTN). GLs solution can test interactive overloaded by patients and customers. or directly from your lab environment of all b orce
voice response (IVR), voicemail (VM) functionality, and measure voice quality.
See the complete illustration here: https:// testing-call-centers.jpg
See the product announcement newsletter: load-testing-call-centres-newsletter.html
Tens of thousands of companies and
“These call centers can be overloaded
in disaster situations or unexpected
events. Therefore, some organizations use redundant telecommunications connections totheoutsideworld(PRI,SIPtrunks,etc.). It is essential to test if these trunks properly rollover under high load,” said Robert Bichefsky, Director of Engineering at GL Communications Inc.
by deploying the call generation test equipment.”
“Calls can be generated to any network including VoIP, TDM, and mobile. In additiontotestingcallcapacity,GLcanalso test IVR traversal and VM functionality of the call center while also confirming voice quality.”
More at ■
Consu re is a gre
communications space looking to change
user experience. Our ability to deliver an end-to-end UC solution from Poly means
continued from page 1
prevent false registration attempts and improve anomaly detection. There is still more work to be done by way of port management, defining inbound routes, SIP trunks and outbound routes. IVR, passwords and SIP trunk authentication require careful set up. In short, it becomes complex to set up and manage.
The SBC, on the other hand, does it better. It hides internal topology, allows NAT, handles media transcoding and even chooses least cost routes. However, security
■ Authentication of users and authenticating that our partners can provide a fully-
SIP servers
integrated, interoperable solution, deployed Th■eSpreocdifuyicnt’gsasrechuirtecrtourteinmgarkuelsesitaanndisnthriecrtent
and managed via our two-tier online comclpalsesmifiecnatitonarpualerstner’s existing technology
ordering platform HUB, provisioning and p■orDtfeofilinoibnyg aclallolwadinmgitshsieomn to provide additional
Nuvias Unified Communications proadutchtelnintiecsa.tPerBoYdEosmcoerses’sagtechnologycreates
incorporates technologies from multiple A■ctIifointaibs lheaAs nAaIly&ticMsTMLuthsienSgBaCprcoapnrbietataryught
vendors for the fast-growing video and algotoritidhemntpifayirseudspwiictihouGsoaocgtilveiCtylovuerdyPelartlfyorm’s
voice collaboration market segment. Poly MaochninanedLpearornvindge
enhances these solutions with its high- Processing APIs, from data generated by cloud
The SBC does improve security manifold in
quality end-point devices to offer a truly aVpopIlPicnateitownosrkliskbeuCt RifMit isanfidneUlyCcaoanSfigpulartefdorthmens.
unique voice and video collaboration Psaerctunreitrysbceacnomcoensttiinguhetedrealnivdebreinttgerr.eThtuernstsarotning
portfolio for the channel. Partners can also epxoisitnint tgosaolsuetciounres VbeocIaPunsetcwuosrtokmisetros gweitllthe
access Device-as-a-Service (DaaS) and other drisgchotvseersnsieown ibnosridghertscfornotmrodllaetra, anlrdeathdeynwgietht in
unique financing solutions through Nuvias
b. y a n
Capital, helping organisations to accelerate
i t ne tc oh tnh partner growth.
ert. ■ * Nuvias Capital services are available are
/. n Centers
The flexible program
limited to the UK at the present time
re at ht
ging froRm Sales MC oEnDsIuAl t Pa nAtCsKt o
flexible program welcomes part ackgrounds ranging from Salesf
ltants to Telco Agents. Prodosco
at fit for channel partners in the
with the market because it provides additional
premise to UToCllaFarSe.eC: 8o0n0su6l6t7a-n8t9s6a5nd SIs already
in the SaleWsfeobrc: teealencdomGroeosgeleleer.cosmy/stems will
be able tocoafftegroaryn/oin-pcroinmtp/tetliencgompr-oduct that reseller/
enhances the value of services and solutions
omm “We
A kiosk reception solution exclusively from Softel
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