Page 134 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
P. 134


             As I walked through these
             The final time
             I looked down at the shirt I
             Marked with love
             With memories
             Maybe even a little pain.
             I looked at the words
             spanning the cloth
             And I remembered my
             better years.

                                                                        I remember my guardians
             I remember my years                                        Ones that love me fiercely
             tangled with a                                             As if I were their own.
             dysfunctional family                                       I remember the lessons they gave me
             Just shy of three hundred                                  The stern but well-meaning chiding
             I remember our laughs                                      Firm words of wise advice
             Our adventures               A Glorious                    Unmatched enthusiasm
             Our lessons                                                And constant support.
             And everything in between.                                 I'll keep them in mind and in heart
             I step into my old           Dance Of                      As I walk into the garden of examination
             classroom,                                                 And pluck the flower of success.
             One that holds so many
             emotions                     Unmarred
             And fond memories.
                                          Joy and                       We never needed wings to fly, I think,
                                                                        As I walk through the halls once more
             I remember my comrades                                     A little older this time
             The present and the fallen   Crisp                         No longer an official part of the family
             Braving challenges we                                      But it would always feel like home.
             used to call wars with                                     All we needed was each other, I
             Crisp trepidation in our     Trepidation                   thought,
             hearts                                                     And nothing could ever bring us down.
             But they seem so simple
             Now that they're done
             I think back to our
             Ones we had while sitting                                  As I walk out of the gates,
             Between four walls and                                     With a sister's hand in mine
             beyond them too                                            I spare another glance
             And I remember the                                         At the home I'd left behind
             intimacy                                                   I smile fondly to myself and say,
             The trust                                                  "I know I'll see you all again someday."
             The fights
             And our bond profound.

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