Page 139 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
P. 139


          The First Day

         of My School


              With the glowing sun, and a gentle breeze,
              The day began bright for me at six,
              It’s the first day of my school.

              My brand new dress and shining shoes,
              I can’t wait to meet my friends at school.      Self-Reliance
              I got a brand new bag, my face aglow,
              What the day holds for me in store.
              It’s the first day of my school.
                                                                     I endured the pain and the loss
              I enter my class, my desk in the middle,               I felt broken and quite lost.
              I feel happy with my friends, fit as a fiddle,         No matter what you go through, t
              Our new teacher is great, with knowledge at            there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel.
              hand,                                                  It seems hard to get out
              Of cultures and regions from far off lands.            But I’m not going to give up
              It’s the first day of my school.                       Even if the situation
                                                                     gets worse
              It couldn’t have been better,                          I'm going to win it, not flee,
              I learnt with fun,                                     As the fight is within me,
              Oh what joy, my school has begun!                      I'll either. lose, win, or learn
                                                                     I'm not afraid of the result.

                                                                     I'm going to win, not flee
                                     KIYANSHI BANSAL                 I'll keep moving forward without looking back. No
                                      GRADE V                        one can save us, and no one will.
                                                                     We ourselves must walk on our road
                                                                      Even if I am caught in rain without umbrellas I will
                                                                     keep moving further
                                                                     I'm going to win, not flee
                                                                      They say there are many marks on my face, but all I
                                                                     see are signs of resilience.
                                                                     Just like the bird that broke its shell and came out
                                                                     I'm going to break my carapace of depression
                                                                     Self-reliance is the only road to liberation.
                                                                     And I'm sure I will be free.
                                                                      As the fight is within me,
                                                                     I'm going to win, not flee.

                                                                                            TANUSHREE BHOSLE
                                                                                              GRADE XI
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