Page 140 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
P. 140


                                                                 A Yawn of Dawn

                                                                   A cheerful enthusiastic dawn
                                                                   Merriment of colorful birds
                                                                   And a soothing rising sun
                                                                   A beginning of a new day
                                                                     I am in a calm carefree sleep

          Perhaps                                                  Dreaming about a fairy tale
                                                                   Starting my days with full joy
                                                                   Passing time watching cartoons

                                                                   Looking for my friends to come
             When they said that's the limit                       Playing with dolls and kitchen set
             I said to myself                                      Waiting for the clock to hit 6
             That’s it perhaps                                     In the evening to play hide and seek

             When they said that’s just the beginning              Gazing stars with my mother bright
             I said to myself                                      Waiting for the amber moon light
             That’s that perhaps                                   In a summer night
                                                                   Sleeping by the side of my mother with delight
             When they said it's time to be awake
             I rubbed my eyes
             Woke up
             And said to myself                                                          SANTUSHTI CHANDER
             It's morning perhaps                                                              GRADE VIII

             In this mind boggling world my eyes never
             truly opened
             For they were left slightly shut
             Burdened with the weight of the society
             Not once was I told to sleep till I willed
             Not once was I left the way I wished
             When they said stop
             I should have said to myself
             They are wrong
             And I would have been happier perhaps

             If only I knew how to build my own road
             If only I learned to step away
             If only I said no that day
             I would have been happier perhaps.

                               AANYA DANGWAL
                                    GRADE XI
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