Page 141 - Gyananda YearBook 2022-23
P. 141



          Nostalgia from some lifetimes ago

              This silence is nostalgic.                          and she shall lead my fingers at dusk
              It's been there before.                             and press on the keys they once knew.
              From the whispers of the crickets                   calloused tips will reach where they must
              to the opening of the refrigerator door.            enough to ring in our hearts, a bitter rue.

              The evening colours of orange and pink              The lack of warmth shall never leave
              Swimming into a horizon unknown                     for no one can replace her
              It reminds me of distant lands.                     in turn I douse in tepid water
              A few lifetimes having passed yet not too long ago.   in the company of you, a traitor.

              Something so intangible                             This silence is nostalgic.
              yet still quite there.                              And I get deja vu.
              It smells of coffee and of wood.                    So much to the point
              And rain kissed air.                                I think I can still feel you.

              This silence is nostalgic.                                               SHARANYA RAJMOHAN
              but perhaps it's never been there before.                                          IYER
              long-forgotten memories                                                         GRADE IX
              touching an amnesiac's soul.

              But why then, can I still hear them?
              Naive and hopeful thoughts
              But now I'm too aware.

              Yet suddenly, I was too lost.
              This silence is nostalgic.
              but let her come and go.
              She shall return once more.
              when the land is covered with snow.
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