Page 3 - Master Professional Networking June 2024 Leveraging Up! Quarterly
P. 3

Leveraging Up!

              TABLE OF                                                                       Q uarterly


              Mastering Professional Networking:

              5 Key Strategies for the Administrative Professional

               01                                 02                                03
               SET CLEAR OBJECTIVES               BUILD GENUINE                      BE PROACTIVE
               Before diving into any                                              Don't wait for networking
               networking event or                Networking isn't just about      opportunities to come
               interaction, take the time         collecting business cards        to you; actively seek
               to define your goals.              or LinkedIn connections—         them out.
                                                  it's about cultivating
                        [Pg 4]                    genuine relationships.                    [Pg 6-7]
                                                            [Pg 5]

               FOLLOW UP

               Building a strong
               network isn't just about
               making initial contact—
               it's about nurturing and
               maintaining those
               connections over time.

                        [Pg 8]

               GIVE VALUE

               Networking is a two-way
               street, so don't approach
               it with a purely
               transactional mindset.

                        [Pg 9]

               © June 2024 | ACE Peer Learning Network™                              
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