Page 6 - Master Professional Networking June 2024 Leveraging Up! Quarterly
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06                                                 June 2024 | Leveraging Up! Quarterly | Mastering Professional Networking

                                AS EACH DAY GOES BY, I’M THANKFUL FOR MY
                                       REWARDING CAREER AS AN ADMIN.”

                                                                          Joanne Linden

           BE PROACTIVE

           Being proactive is the catalyst for unlocking       Additionally, don't underestimate the power of
           countless networking opportunities and              virtual networking; participate in online forums,
           expanding your professional circle. Instead of      LinkedIn groups, or administrative-specific
           waiting for networking chances to fall into your    communities where you can connect with
           lap, seize control of your networking journey by    professionals from around the globe. By putting
           actively seeking them out. Dive into events,        yourself out there and taking the initiative to
           whether they're conferences, workshops, or          engage, you not only increase your visibility within
           seminars, where you can engage with like-           your field but also heighten your chances of
           minded professionals and exchange insights.         forging meaningful connections that can propel
           Consider joining professional organizations         your career forward. Remember, networking is an
           tailored to your needs—they provide fertile         active pursuit—by taking proactive steps, you
           ground for networking, professional                 open doors to new opportunities and potential
           development, and mentorship opportunities.          collaborations that can enrich your professional
                                                               journey.    [ Continued Page 7 ]

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