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latter  half  of  the  twentieth  century.  His  various  theories  in
            linguistics syntax reveal that language.

                    Chomsky‟s  linguistics  is  considered  a  revolution  against
            the  behavioral  view  of  language.  For  Chomsky,  actual  language

            use, or performance, is only the tip of the iceberg of linguistic
            competence, or the underlying mental processes which we carry
            out in our production of language. According to Sapir and Whorf

            hypothesis,  our  language  determines  our  thoughts  .Also  our
            worldviews  exist  in  our  language.  Semanticity  and  beyond  The
            human mind selects from a variety of semantic fields and shapes

            them in language. Although specific to humans but perhaps it is
            the  social  contexts  within  which  we  use  language  that  truly

            distinguishes human and animal communication. Various linguists
            have put forward theories in this respect like; the co-operative
            Principle  (Grice),Communicative  competence  (Hymes),  and

            Haliday‟s concept of “register”. According to theories, there is a
            need  of  internal  competence  and  some  roles  and  regulations

            while communicating with others. Similarly, literary writers use
            language  in  a  figurative  and  symbolic  way  which  reveals  the
            internal  psyche  of  the  writer.  Such  instances  include  stylistic

            deviations,  foregrounding  and  defamliarizaton  of  language.
            Structural  Complexity  and  self-Reflexiveness.  The  structurally

            complex  language  of  human  allows  linguists  to  reflect  upon
            it.Various   psychological    processes   in   the    production,
            transmission,  and  receptions  of  language  are  discussed.

            Conclusions The use of language and speech as a window to the
            nature  and  structure  of  the  human  mind  is  called

            psycholinguistics (Scoval).The features of human language clearly

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