Page 26 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 26

words)  each  second.  Errors  in  speech  production  are  relatively
            rare  occurring  at  a  rate  of  about  once  in  every  900  words  in

            spontaneous speech. Words that are commonly spoken or learned
            early in life or easily imagined are quicker to say than ones that

            are rarely said, learnt later in life, or abstract.
                    Based on the picture above, a normally speech is created
            with  pulmonary  pressure  provided  by  the  lungs  that  generates

            sound by phonation through the glottis in the larynx that then is
            modified by the vocal tract into different vowels and consonants.
            However  speech  production  can  occur  without  the  use  of  the

            lungs and glottis in alaryngeal speech by using the upper parts of
            the vocal tract.

                    The  vocal  production  of  speech  may  be  associated  with
            the  production  of  hand  gestures  that  act  to  enhance  the
            comprehensibility  of  what  is  being  said.  The  development  of

            speech production throughout an individual's life starts from an
            infant's  first  babble  and  is  transformed  into  fully  developed

            speech by the age of five. The first stage of speech doesn't occur
            until around age one (holophrastic phase). Between the ages of
            one and a half and two and a half the infant can produce short

            sentences (telegraphic phase).

            1.  Three stages of Speech Production

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