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damage to the right hemisphere generally do not display aphasia
symptoms in the production of signs.
6. Methods of Investigating Brain and Language
a. Established Methods: Post-mortem, Injured People,
Electrical Stimulation
The oldest method, that used by Broca himself, is the
post-mortem examination of the brain of patients who had
displayed language disorders while they were alive. A person
might require because of an accident or a tumour for
example the removal of a lobe of the brain (lobectomy) or
even of an entire hemisphere (hemispherectomy).
b. New High-Tech Methods: CAT and PET
CT (best known as CAT, Computerized Axial
Tomography) and PET (Positron Emission Tomography) are the
most widely used in this regard. A CAT scan involves using an
X-ray source so as to make numerous slice scans, the images
of which are integrated by computer to construct an image of
the whole brain or portion of it. The PET procedure involves
injecting a mildly radioactive substance into the blood and
then tracing the blood flow patterns within the brain by
means of special detectors surrounding the person‟s head.
7. Mind and Brain
Without brain, there would be no mind. Is there a perfect
correlation between a person‟s experiences and the events which
take place in the brain? While there is strong evidence of a
general dependence of mental occurrences on the functioning of
the brain, it has never been shown that the correspondence is so
62 | Fatma Yuniarti, M.Pd., B.I