Page 10 - The Portal magazine - June 2024
P. 10

THE P    RTAL                               June 2024                                     Page 10

        catch a mass”, it may be at the                                             significantly. The people of
        cathedral or another parish.                                                the parish are invited to work
        At Most Precious Blood,                                                     out what to give according to
        there are also the people who                                               some guidelines very much
        work in the city, so they’ll                                                emphasising      proportional
        come  to the lunchtime mass,                                                giving.  Watch the video to see
        or those who come to meet                                                   those!
        their friends, or visit Borough
        Market: they come to mass                                                     Fr Christopher summed up,
        only on a weekday.                                                          “One or two called to say ‘I
                                                                                    saw your appeal, I had no idea,
          He had the idea of making the                                             I’d like to make a donation.’
        videos for them and sending                                                 Some were four figure sums!”
        them via email. As far as the
        videos were concerned, these                                                  Having gone through some
        were made up of the salient                                                 five years of fundraising and
        points in the homily.  He                                                   planning the consecration of
        laughed as he told me that the                                              the restored Church in 2019
        video  presentations  probably                                              had been a real high-point.
        had a bigger “reach” than the                                               The regular income was good,
        Sunday mass presentations!                                                  the capital appeals had been
        Looking them up, I discovered                                               well-supported    and    then
        they had each clocked-up over four hundred views.     Covid hit in 2020 and brought so many things to a halt
                                                              but capital projects and repairs needed to continue.
          Fr Christopher made the point that the videos are  With the ensuing financial and cost of living pressures
        pushing at an open door. You have to click on them  the time never seemed right to ask the congregation to
        and want to see them, whereas people at mass on  review their giving.
        Sunday take it as part of the package.
                                                               The appeal wasn’t just about money, even though the
          The people, the clergy, and all involved at church  bills must be paid. It was also an appeal for time and
        are not there to make money.  He was worried as he  talent. There are many highly skilled professionals in
        prepared the first talk: worried about what he was  the parish, and they were invited to pledge that for the
        going to say on Sunday morning and wondering if he  gospel. And as busy as people are, they were asked to
        should go ahead with it. In fact, he had three sleepless  give time, one of the most valuable commodities they
        Saturday nights thinking “Why have I got to do this?  have.  There is now a Caritas Group, a Rosary Group, a
        Finance isn’t my area, I’m not good at this.”         Charismatic prayer group, a Young Adult study group,
                                                              additional choir members and Fund Raising group
          The diocesan advice was, it has to be from the priest  who are collecting ‘nearly new’ for distribution to
        because he is the man in authority. The only things  those who need, or to sell to raise funds either at the
        from the Chairman of the finance committee was to  street market or on eBay.
        talk about were the practicalities, standing orders,
        tax efficient and regular giving, gift aid and filling   Fr Christopher explains that as a priest it’s almost
        forms, and those kinds of things.  Of course, he also  impossible to tell if people are responding to the call to
        introduced other members of the Finance Committee  holiness. Priests try to convince their people to love the
        so that there were several points of contact.         Lord; to convince them that the Gospel is true; to ask
                                                              folk, “Will you be a disciple of Jesus?” Of course, until
          Has it been successful? It’s too early to say, however  the Kingdom comes you never know. Priests can never
        the signs are very encouraging. Some people set  tell, nor perhaps should they know. So his main worry
        up  standing  orders  straight  away,  which  he finds  for the campaign was that there would be no response,
        humbling; and some have already given or pledged  a stark indication that the preaching and teaching had
        significant amounts.                                  fallen on deaf ears. As it transpired, nothing could be
                                                              further from the truth.
          All that was asked for was a pledge. Just a pledge. This
        meant the parish could plan for the future. Amounts    Thank you Fr Christopher. We are glad that you seem
        were not mentioned in the campaign, however the  to  have  avoided  the  car  crash!  www.preciousblood.
        faithful were asked to give regularly, sufficiently, and
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