Page 7 - The Portal magazine - June 2024
P. 7

THE P    RTAL                               June 2024                                      Page 7

        The importance of

        ecclesiastical music

        Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane meet Sarah MacDonald

             NE OF the interesting facts about the Ordinariate is that our Daily Offices are – more or less – the
        Osame as that traditionally used in the Church of England. Nowhere is this more so than with Evensong.
        Many colleges and most cathedrals have Choral Evensong regularly. It is the same Office as is in use within
        the Ordinariate.

          We thought it could be instructive to chat with
        someone who works in that field of regular Choral
        Evensong. So it was that we made our way to Selwyn
        College Cambridge to interview  Sarah MacDonald.
        She has been Director of Music at the college for the
        past twenty five years, the first woman to hold such a
        post at Oxbridge.

          After a lovely lunch in college, we settled in Sarah’s
        room with coffee. She is Canadian and came to the
        UK in 1992 as an undergraduate. Before that she had
        studied the piano in Toronto. Her first interest was
        in choral conducting. However, it is the organ that is
        the gateway to being a Director of Music, so after her
        conservatoire piano studies were complete, she took
        up the organ.

          She arrived in the UK as an organ scholar at Robinson
        College in Cambridge. She took her degree in music.
        She is proud to be one of those foreign students whom
        generations of Home Secretaries hate! Thirty-five years
        later, she is still here.

          In 1999 she was appointed Director of Music at       At  Selwyn  she  has  a  choir  full  of  undergraduates,
        Selwyn College; a post she still holds. Although it is  some of whom have had serious choral experience,
        an important post, it is part-time, so since 2010 she  while others have had no singing experience. They are
        has also been Director of the Girl Choristers at Ely  all the same age unlike Ely where there are children in
        Cathedral.                                            the front row and adults in the back row. At Selwyn the
                                                              average age is 18 to 22 with a couple of post-graduates.
          Sarah is a composer, organist, pianist, conductor and  They are a social, cohesive group. Some 82% have been
        writes an article for the monthly American Organist  educated in the state sector, and as a result, many have
        magazine. She is still mildly shocked that she has been  had no music since year seven.
        appointed the next President of the Royal College of
        Organists (she takes up this office in July).          At Selwyn there is a mix of people who are discovering
                                                              liturgical choral singing for the first time, and those
          Her two roles both involve ecclesiastical choirs, but  who were cathedral or parish choir choristers who
        they are very different. “The fundamental difference  want to carry on singing at a high level while reading
        is in the nature of the singers I’m working with.”  bio-chemistry or Classics. So it is about building that
        In Ely she has a front row of children who she is  choral technique in the hope that they will carry on
        teaching, from scratch, how to sing. But she also has  and sing after Selwyn. Many of her former scholars
        a back row of professional singers, who show up and  are lay clerks in various places, and her Ely girls were
        do their job.                                         responsible for the first female lay clerks of six  Ø
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