Page 11 - The Portal magazine - June 2024
P. 11

THE P    RTAL                               June 2024                                     Page 11


        John Hunwicke

        13 March 1941 - 30 April 2024

        By Mgr Andrew Burnham (Bishop of Ebbsfleet, 2000-2010;

        Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham from 2011)

             FTER OXFORD and a curacy or two, John Hunwicke led the secluded life of a classics master at
        ALancing College, West Sussex, for nearly thirty years. The college chapel, where he served as assistant
        chaplain, was certainly ‘high’, the loftiest of school chapels. In another sense, none was ‘higher’ than Fr
        Hunwicke  (almost  never  ‘Fr  John’)  who  published  entertaining  and  scholarly  liturgical  footnotes  in  his
        annual Ordo.

          Once the internet was established, and Fr Hunwicke
        was safely aboard the barque of Peter, the footnotes
        of his Ordo became ‘Fr Hunwicke’s Liturgical Notes’,
        delighting traditional Catholics throughout the
        English-speaking world. Later the blog became
        ‘Fr Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment’, alluding to a
        process outlined by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007 in
        which the ‘Ordinary Form’ of  the Mass should be
        enriched by – and enrich – the ‘Extraordinary Form’
        (the  pre-conciliar  rite  as  consolidated  in  1962).
        Traditionis Custodes  (2021) presented  Fr Hunwicke
        with a particular challenge: ‘PF’ or ‘Bergoglio’ – the
        abbreviations he used – was undermining, in his view,
        what Pope Benedict had achieved, and Hunwicke
        fought hard for the traditionalist cause.             out as needed in the Oxford Mission but soon found
                                                              his way back to the Oxford Oratory, where the
          The ecclesiastical authorities always regarded Fr  Oxford Mission had begun. He helped the younger
        Hunwicke as a tricky customer. Archetypical Anglo-    Oratorians with their Latin – he was by all accounts a
        Catholic, he was clever, humorous, and mischievous,  superb teacher – and made himself useful to the Latin
        and could not easily be constrained. Those who got  Mass Society.
        to know him found him loyal, personable, and warm.
        His ordination in the Catholic Church was a year       A week before he died of cancer, Fr Hunwicke
        later than the clergy who crossed the Tiber with him  inserted a note into his blog: The Pancreatic nastiness
        and several influential Catholics behind the scenes  stops me from getting out to Libraries and Archives;
        championed his case. I myself was involved in a final  so bits of these pieces are lifted &c. Readers of ‘Fr
        interview: I had been at a similar interview in 2007,  Hunwicke’s Mutual Enrichment’ were nonetheless
        when Hunwicke applied for the post of St Thomas the  somewhat bemused to find that daily publication of his
        Martyr, Oxford, where he served for four years before  blog continued after his death and that he had posted
        becoming a Catholic.                                  some repeats of previous years’ entries ahead of time.

          In the first case I was Bishop of Ebbsfleet, Hunwicke’s   Fr Hunwicke was happily married to Pamela for 57
        bishop, interceding with an archdeacon. In the second  years. Their five children and grandchildren were at
        case I was an Assistant to the Ordinary, an Ordinariate  his bedside when he peacefully died on 30 April. For
        priest interceding with a local bishop.               him that would have been the feast of St Catherine of
                                                              Siena, herself a galvaniser of reigning Popes. Followers
          Once admitted as a priest of the Personal Ordinariate  of modern Calendars would have kept her feast the
        of Our Lady of Walsingham, Fr Hunwicke helped  day before, on the date that she actually died.
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