Page 20 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 20
THE P RTAL February 2025 Page 20
Our window on the CofE
General Synod
Fr Paul Benfield
ENERAL SYNOD is to meet in London from February 10th to 14th. At the time of writing the
Gdetailed agenda and papers have not been circulated, but we do have an outline of business. The synod
promises to be a heavy one with much legislation and regulatory business together with the significant and
controversial matters of safeguarding and Living in Love and Faith as well as less controversial debates.
After a presidential address by the Archbishop July. However, the House of Bishops met on 20th
of York and the usual formal debate on the agenda January and issued a communique which said ‘After
there will be questions from members – presumably considered reflection on the complexity and depth of
many will be around the issue of safeguarding which the proposed changes, it became clear that bishops
may inform the debate on the Makin Report. This is with views across the range of different perspectives
the report into the abuse meted out by John Smyth agreed that it was unlikely all elements of the proposals
published in the autumn which led to the resignation would be sufficiently developed in time for Synod to
of Justin Welby as Archbishop of Canterbury. It is make a decision in July’. Leaks suggest that there is a
difficult to predict what will happen until we see the growing unease with the process and proposals.
wording of the motion and any amendments to it.
Synod’s principal function is to pass draft legislation
The next day there is to be a two hour debate on for Parliament’s approval. This February we will give
the next steps in church safeguarding independence final approval to the Clergy Conduct Measure (which
following the Jay and Wilkinson reports. This will be will replace the Clergy Discipline Measure) and take
crucial in restoring some credibility to the Church of the Revision Stage of the National Church Governance
England’s safeguarding, but again until we know what Measure. This will create a new body, Church of
is proposed it is impossible to comment. England National Services (CENS), which will take
over the functions of the Archbishops’ Council and
The Archbishops’ Commission on Racial Justice was most functions of the Church Commissioners apart
set up by the Archbishops in 2021 with no synodical from investment functions. A new Mission and
input. The Commission, chaired by Lord Boateng, Pastoral Measure will be given first consideration and
was tasked with implementing and monitoring the we will be asked to approve regulations concerning
47 recommendations of the Archbishops’ Taskforce clergy risk assessments.
on Racism. Many synod members are unhappy that
these recommendations have never been considered
by Synod. So, for example, there was some resistance The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
to the recommendation that 10 racial minority THE ORDER OF MASS
members should be coopted to Synod, especially
when some had stood for election and been defeated. Divine Worship: The Missal
The Commission came to an end in November and in accorDance WiTh The roMan riTe
we are to have ‘a presentation and debate on the Ordinariate Mass cards with the
implementation of From Lament to Action (FLTA) in Order of Mass from
terms of the successes, challenges and opportunities, Divine Worship: The Missal
and also affirm the future strategic direction of racial are now available
justice. The difficulty with such debates is that if Prices including UK delivery:
anyone speaks against a proposal they can be accused £1 for a single copy, £3.50 for 10,
of being racist. £14 for 50, £26 for 100, £48 for 200
The Living in Love and Faith process, concerning Overseas enquiries please email:
blessing of same sex couples, limps along but is for postage costs
going slower than planned. We are to have an update To order, please send your name and address with your
and opportunity for questions at this Synod and cheque, made payable to Ordinariate OLW to:
were expecting to be asked to make decisions in Mass Cards, Ordinariate OLW, 24 Golden Square, London W1F 9JR