Page 17 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 17

THE P    RTAL                            February 2025                                    Page 17

        Padova and the

        Basilica of Sant’Antonio

        Donato Tallo

            ADOVA, IN  the Veneto region of northern Italy is a charming and beautiful city and one that is
       Poften overlooked by travellers due to its close proximity to Venice, Verona and Bologna. While these
        three cities are often favoured by visitors to northern Italy over Padova, this in some respects gives the city of
        Padova a calm and more authentic ambience.

          Padova is home to one of the oldest universities in
        the world - the University of Padova - and it is a city
        rich in culture and beautiful architecture. The city is
        considered by historians to be older than Rome and
        has the river Bacchiglione running through it which
        historically was an extremely significant waterway in
        northern Italy. Padova is also the place where brothers
        Luigi and Silvio Barbieri invented the now world
        famous and popular beverage Aperol in 1919.

          Modern day Padova is full of beautiful churches,
        the aroma of  Italian bakeries and trattorias and an
        intriguing Italian charm. Porticos and piazzas are     Work on the Basilica started in 1232 and it is an
        plentiful in Padova and the city is a very easy one  imposing building with two bell towers and several
        to travel around. The wider region is an important  domes and as a whole the complex towers above many
        agricultural area of northern Italy as well as being of  of the other churches and buildings in Padova.
        significant cultural and industrial importance.
                                                               Known locally as  il Santo, which literally means
          There are many beautiful churches in Padova, all  the Saint, the basilica is a welcoming place where
        unique and with varying histories. The Cathedral  pilgrims from near and far ask for the intercession
        dedicated to Saint Mary of the Assumption is the seat  of St Anthony and remember loved ones before his
        of the Bishop of Padova and it is the central church for  shrine. The basilica is a place of hope and through the
        the diocese bearing the same name, while the Abbey  constant stream of liturgies, prayer, sacraments and
        of  Saint  Giustina  is  an  impressive  building  with  its  other activities it is a sign of Christ’s presence in our
        many side chapels and array of artwork. The church of  world today.
        Santa Croche is another impressive building with an
        interesting array of frescos.                          St Anthony was born in 1195 in Portugal and died
                                                              in Italy in 1231 at the young age of 35. He is noted
          Despite the many different churches in the city,  for being canonised within a year of his death by Pope
        there is one church in Padova that has a worldwide  Gregory IX. St Anthony was originally an Augustinian
        reputation and is of significant importance - the  monk and subsequently became a Franciscan friar
        Basilica of St Anthony.                               and  was  known  for  his  outstanding  preaching  and
                                                              devotion to the poor and the sick.
          The Basilica of St Anthony (known in Italian as
        Sant’ Antonio) is an international shrine dedicated to   St Anthony’s life is certainly one that is worthy of
        St Anthony and no visit to the city of Padova would  study and reflection and while many patronages are
        be complete without a visit to this beautiful complex.  attributed to him his most famous is undoubtedly
        Located on the Piazza Del Santo, the basilica is not  the patronage of the recovery of lost items. The story
        simply a historic monument or a beautiful building but  of St Anthony’s bread is also most certainly worthy
        a vibrant place of pilgrimage and outreach where Our  of reflection. The devotion to the poor which was
        Lord can be encountered and St Anthony venerated  demonstrated by St Anthony many years ago continues
        amid holy, sacred and spiritually uplifting surroundings.
                                                                                     ... continued at the foot of page 21
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