Page 12 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 12

THE P    RTAL                            February 2025                                    Page 12

        News from the Ordinariate

        Chrism Mass                                           Fortnightly Spiritual Conferences

            HRISM  MASS  is at will be at 11.30am or              HE SERIES of Spiritual Conferences held on
        C11am on Thursday 10th April 2025 at Our Lady  TZoom, will continue in February, on the second
        and St Gregory, Warwick Street, London W1B 5LZ.       and fourth Wednesdays, at 8.00pm. This month they

          Keith Brown, the Director of Music, invites singers   will be led by our two seminarians for the priesthood
        from Ordinariate groups to sing in the choir for the   at Allen Hall. They will last 20-25 minutes, and we
        Chrism Mass. Some repertoire is yet to be decided     shall  pray  the  Office  of  Compline  afterwards.  The
        but the Bishop has chosen Mozart’s  Trinitatis Mass.   Zoom links are as follows:
                                                               14th February – Eric Lobsinger
        It would be a case of singers who want to participate
        just to sing whatever they feel comfortable with, if they                     Seminarian & Oxford Group
        can’t do everything.                                   Zoom link: www.
                                                               Meeting ID: 879 4450 7099 / Passcode: 769075)
          The email for signing up (I need to know voice part   26th February – John Underhill
        and Ordinariate Group name) is warwickstreetmusic@                           Seminarian & Torbay Mission                                             Zoom link:
                                                               Meeting ID: 861 5941 0973 / Passcode: 704405
        Candlemas (A Song)
                                                               All  Members,  Associates,  and Friends  of  the
          By St John Henry Newman                             Ordinariate are welcome to join us, from around the
            THE Angel-lights of Christmas morn, which         British Isles, as are those interested in joining the
              shot across the sky,                            Ordinariate.
            Away they pass at Candlemas, they sparkle and     Our hope is Trustworthy
              they die.
            Comfort of earth is brief at best, although it be      CCORDING TO  the Christian faith,
              divine;                                         A“redemption” – salvation – is not simply a given.
            Like funeral lights for Christmas gone, old       Redemption is offered to us in the sense that we
              Simeon’s tapers shine.                          have been given hope, trustworthy hope, by virtue of
            And then for eight long weeks and more, we        which we can face our present; the present, even if it
              wait in twilight grey,                          is arduous, can be lived and accepted if it leads toward
            Till the high candle sheds a beam, on Holy        a goal, if we can be sure of this goal, and if this goal is
              Saturday.                                       great enough to justify the effort of the journey.
            We wait along the penance-tide of solemn fast                 Pope Benedict – Encyclical Letter Spe salvi
              and prayer;                                                               November 30th, 2007, no 1
            While song is hush’d, and lights grow dim, in     The Ordinariate
              the sin-laden air.                                  O ACCOMMODATE                   requests from
            And while the sword in Mary’s soul is driven  Tgroups of Anglicans who wished to enter into
              home, we hide                                   full  communion  with  the  Catholic  Church,  the
            In our own hearts and count the wounds of         Holy See established the Ordinariate as similar to a
              passion and of pride.                           diocese, which the Second Vatican Council defines as
            And still, though Candlemas be spent and          “a particular church in which the one, holy, catholic,
              Alleluias o’er,                                 and apostolic Church of Christ is truly present and
            Mary is music in our need and Jesus light in      operative.”
                                        (The Oratory. 1849)    His Eminence, Cardinal Víctor Fernández. 22 June 2024

                                Coat of Arms            Show              Our Lady of
                               Lapel Badge of            your            Walsingham
                          the Personal Ordinariate    Support        Badge and Cufflinks
                                                       for the
                          available from: Ordinariate Lapel Badge,   f or the   sold in support Clergy Stipends
                           Ladies’ Ordinariate Group, 22 Redcross   Ordinariate       available from:
                                Way, London SE1 1TA       www. .                       John Worley,
                          Cost: £5 (inc P&P) - cheques payable to:            48 Lawn Lane, Hemel Hempstead HP3 9HL
                                 Ordinariate OLW       ordinariate. .         Badges:  £4 each  -  Cufflinks:  £12 (pair)
                          please remember to include your name  please include SAE - cheques payable to: Ordinariate OLW
                                   and address           suppor t
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