Page 8 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 8

THE P    RTAL                            February 2025                                     Page 8

        the UK, with social media it is right next door.”     the war in a day. Bishop Kenneth was unequivocal in
                                                              his reply. “I think that Ukraine will welcome peace so
          The bishop is concerned about high levels of anxiety,  long as there is justice. Whether American politicians
        and apprehension, as to what happens next. “How will  can end the war within 24 hours is yet to be seen. But
        families reunite? If people return to Ukraine, what  certainly peace is not just the secession of fighting.
        then? Villages and towns have been bombed. Homes  That could start anytime again.
        do not exist anymore. Places of work no longer exist.
        The infrastructure has gone. What do people have to    Without justice, without those who have perpetrated
        go home to? Outside Ukraine there is the realisation  horrible war crimes not being brought to justice, there
        that this war may be a long haul.”                    will be no peace. If someone is successful in bringing
                                                              the war to an end, with a just peace and not just ending
          Nevertheless, Bishop Kenneth was anxious to strike  the fighting, I think every Ukrainian would welcome
        a positive note. “I think these things affect us all. But  that. The danger, of course, is that you end up with
        I have to say the encouragement that our Ukrainian  a partial peace. The danger is that such a peace gives
        people have received from the British population  Putin’s army the opportunity to regroup, reset and
        during this time gives us hope and a sense that they  restock their forces.”
        we are not alone. This is important, so important to
        everyone.”                                             The Ukrainian welcome centre, when it started, was
                                                              to provide services that other NGOs were not doing
          We asked about the people still in Ukraine. He  for people in Ukraine. It is a specific niche, to help
        replied, “It is challenging when you think that you  those who were arriving in Ukraine to go through any
        may have your flat, even in a secure part of Ukraine  type of red tape bureaucracy that they may face; to
        - whatever that means - and it’s higher than the fifth  assist the tens of thousands of local sponsor families
        floor. You are not sure whether or not you want to take  to understand their guests; to provide a facilitation
        the lift. What if it goes out while you’re in it? Or you  for the Home Office and other government agencies
        do not take the lift, and you live on the twentieth floor.  in  directly  communicating  with  the  newly  arrived

        How many times do you want to negotiate the stairs?  Ukrainians. It also provides English language courses
        I also know that a number of people are mourning  that would help people get jobs.
        loved ones who have lost their lives, either fighting
        at the front or civilians who have been killed because   It also has activities to help those who were not
        of the missile attacks. All this has a horrible effect on  engaged in employment, to help them in communities
        morale. But I would not say the resolve of the people  so that they didn’t feel alone or abandoned. However,
        has diminished. Ukraine and Ukrainians know why  the role has to change and needs to be like an accordion.
        they are defending their country, their heritage, their  When it needs to expand their services, they can, and
        culture, their language and their right to exist. This is  when it needs to slow down it can do so.
        what keeps them going.
                                                               Bishop Kenneth told us, “Prior to the full scale
          “World leaders can say maybe it’s time to stop. But at  invasion we would have somewhere around 2500
        what price? So the resolve is strong. There is tiredness  people attending services here at the Cathedral.
        of course. I often think that here in the UK, when  Since the full scale invasion I think we could add
        we start seeing signs of spring it means so much to  another 500 to 700 people on a regular Sunday. Also
        us because we may have come out of a very dreary  in the last five years I’ve established four new parish
        and  dull  winter.  But  the  first  signs  of  spring  mean  communities in London, 21 new ones throughout
        we’re ready to  plough on for another  couple weeks  England, six new ones in Scotland and three in Wales.
        until the flowers are there. I don’t mean to reduce the  Most denominations at Christmas and Easter have a
        suffering and the situation of our brothers and sisters  larger number of people coming. This past Easter here
        in Ukraine. I know it is a long drawn out winter. But it  at the cathedral in Duke Street; from Grosvenor Park
        doesn’t mean that we have given up hope that spring  Square to Oxford Street was blocked off. It is estimated
        will come. We know it will. Ukrainians believe that  that between 13,000 and 14,000 people attended our
        they will have victory. Over the last three hundred  Easter service.”
        and seven years Ukrainians have been attacked more
        than twentyfive times by Russia, imperial Russia, the   We are grateful to Bishop Kenneth for his time,
        Soviets and so on. Yet we still exist, and we will exist.”  frankness, and candour. We assure him of our prayers
                                                              for his suffering people and - we are sure – of those of
          We asked the Bishop about the reported remarks of  all our readers.
        various politicians in the USA that they would stop
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