Page 10 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 10

THE P    RTAL                            February 2025                                    Page 10

        The Fourteenth

        Anniversary of the

        Personal Ordinariate of

        Our Lady of Walsingham

        Jackie Ottaway and Ronald Crane visit

        St Margaret Mary, New Moston, Manchester

              E WELL remember that day. It was 15th January, 2011 in Westminster Cathedral that it was announced
        Wthat the new Ordinariate was to be called The Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham. A
        gasp of joy came from the large congregation. We had come home and Our Lady of Walsingham was to be
        our patron, our title.

          On 19th January 2025 the Ordinariate Mission at St   need the world. He doesn’t need the universe.
        Margaret Mary, New Moston in Manchester celebrated     Yet he chooses to have an earthly home. God is
        the fourteenth anniversary of this momentous event.    everywhere. There is that wonderful passage in
        We decided to join them.                               Genesis which forms the first sentence of our
                                                               mass today, “This is the House of God and the
          At mass Fr Andrew Starkie, the Parish Priest gave a   gate of heaven”.
        homily suitable for the occasion:
                                                                 Jacob hadn’t realised that. He just thought he
           If you go to the shrine of Our Lady of              would lie down for the night. Then he had this
          Guadalupe in Mexico, what you’re going to is         vision of angels ascending and descending. It’s
          an image, a miraculous image. If you go to the       something that Francis Thompson, the Victorian
          shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes you are going          poet, wrote about. He said:
          to a spring. In the Middle Ages pilgrims to                ‘The angels keep their ancient places—
          Walsingham weren’t going to a statue, although             Turn but a stone and start a wing!
          there was a statue; they were not going to a               ‘Tis ye, ‘tis your estrangèd faces,
          spring, although there was a spring. They were             That miss the many splendored thing.’
          going to a house; the house where the mother
          of the church could gather her children. It was        The whole creation is full of God’s glory, but
          also the house of God; the house in which God        we are just too busy to see it. Sometimes I think
          himself dwelt among us. Now we know that God         that’s why Our Lady wanted to build a house, so
          cannot be contained. He is bigger than the whole     that if we could be so dull that we miss the glory
          universe. He doesn’t need a house. He doesn’t        of God in all creation, at least there will be a   Ø
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