Page 9 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 9

THE P    RTAL                            February 2025                                     Page 9

                         I Believe, We Believe

                    An Illustrated Journey through the Apostles’ Creed
              Written by Caroline Farey, STL, PhD - Illustrated by Roseanne Sharpe

                   Bethlehem Books    ISBN 978-1-883937-63-8    £25 from CTS

        Reviewed by Elizabeth Cummings

            HIS DETAILED  and captivating journey allows children to explore not only the meaning of the
        TApostles’ Creed but also allows them to begin to understand and piece together aspects of their faith.
        The Catholic faith as a whole is vast and as a young Catholic there is a lot to process and understand.

          That is where this text                                                     7 and 11, I particularly enjoy
        excels. The Apostles’ Creed is                                                how this text, though aimed
        broken down into bite-sized                                                   at children, has direct links
        chunks and explained in a                                                     to scripture and Catholic
        child-friendly way in order to                                                social teaching. This is
        teach effectively and challenge                                               something that children are
        appropriately.                                                                encouraged to refer back to
                                                                                      often to make links between
          Each line is written with                                                   these and themselves.
        accompanying      enchanting
        illustrations,  which    will                                                  I also like how the cover
        engage from the offset and will                                               of the text has additional
        allow older children to spot                                                  information including a
        the hidden gems (such as the                                                  reference key for scripture in
        Paschal candle, Holy Spirit,                                                  the bible. This is a vital skill
        animals in pairs etc) which                                                   learned within the age range
        will in turn promote further                                                  recommended.
        positive conversations about
        their beliefs.                                                                 I am honoured to have had
                                                                                      the  pleasure  of  reviewing
          This text is recommended for                                                this handbook and I will be
        children to read with their family or class from the age  using it within my own practise and recommending it
        of 7 or independently from the age of 9. As a Catholic  to others.
        educator, I agree with these recommendations and think
        that this is a perfect text for children to read around   The Ordinariate Directory
        the time of receiving the sacraments of reconciliation,
        first holy communion and confirmation.                       and Ordo 2024-2025
                                                                                     Containing the Directory of
          This is definitely the perfect gift for a child who has                    Ordinariate Grous, Missions
        recently received or is about to receive a sacrament.
        This is a crucial time in a young Catholic’s faith journey                  and Parishes, clergy, religious,
        and this text will aid them in many ways.                                  officials and information about
                                                                                    the Ordinariate as well as the
          This is not a read once and know everything text.                        Calendar for the Liturgical Year
        This is a read regularly and when needed text. For                           with references to the page
        example, children may want to re-read pages 17-                            numbers in Divine Worship: Daily
        20 after attending Easter Vigil Mass to re-establish
        connections between their beliefs and scripture. It                         Office (Commonwealth Edition)
        would also be a text that is used for years to come with         £9 + P&P     (in v oic e will b e sent)
                                                                         £9 + P&P (invoice will be sent)
        all members of the family.
                                                                    Order you copy from Fr Len Black:
          As a Catholic educator of children between the ages of
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