Page 21 - The Portal magazine - February 2025
P. 21

THE P    RTAL                            February 2025                                    Page 21

        Newman: a living psalm

        Fr Peter Conley

              ITH THE exuberance of a youthful Anglican clergyman, and naturally excited newly appointed
        Wtutor at Oriel College, Oxford, Newman ponders the impact that personal influence has had upon his
        life so far:
           I am a harp of many chords, and each               edge” duets by Viotti, were all appreciated by him. As an
           Strung by a separate hand;  most musical           Anglican vicar Newman coached adults and children to
           My notes discoursing with the mental sense,        sing in Littlemore and as a Catholic priest, influenced
           Not the outward ear. Try them, they will reply     the Oratorian tradition and integrated popular cultural
           With wisdom, fancy, graceful gaiety,               tunes with Latin hymn words, for the ease of parishioner
           Or ready wit, or happy sentiment.                  participation. For Newman:
           Come, add a string to my assortment of sounds;
           Widen the compass of my harmony;                    Music’s emotive power over us lies in its origin from
           And join thyself in fellowship of name             the ‘outpourings of eternal harmony.’ The ‘created
           With those, whose courteous labour and fair gifts  sound’ of music is capable of arousing such powerful
           Have given me voice, and made me what I am         reactions in us because we recognise these ‘echoes from
             (Introduction to an Album, Brighton. April, 1827) our Home’ in what we can hear, albeit in a way which
                                                              transcends our powers fully to comprehend, much less
          Family, friends, relations and numerous contemporaries  to explain. (Guy Nicholls in Unearthly Beauty - The
        of Newman were, through God’s providence, instrumental  Aesthetics of St John Henry Newman, 2019, p136).
        in his human development: personally and spiritually.
        Growing up, immersed in a musical atmosphere of        Newman’s favourite prayer book was The Psalms
        sisters Jemima and Mary on piano, and brothers Frank  because they reflect the spectrum of religious emotions.
        and Charles forming trios with him on violin, helped  No wonder he chose to liken himself to an instrument
        shape the contours of his thinking about the melody of  designed to direct their expression into tuneful praise
        living. Beethoven was Newman’s favourite composer,  of God. Newman imagined himself to be a ‘Human
        but Haydn, Mozart and, as his diaries reveal, “cutting  Harp’ played by the risen Lord.

        Padova and the Basilica of Sant’Antonio ... continued from page 17

        in his name through the work of many modern day  solemnity of the main body of the basilica is enhanced
        Friars including those  based at the Basilica of St  through Donatello’s crucifix dating to 1446.
        Anthony. They provide pastoral support to the many
        pilgrims who visit the shrine as well as engaging in   The basilica is a very special place and stands firm as
        outreach both locally and further afield.             a sign of the beauty of God and our human witness to
                                                              his greatness. Let us give thanks to the friars, staff and
          The friars have the immense privilege and  volunteers who keep the memory of St Anthony alive,
        responsibility of being the custodians of St Anthony’s  allow his relics to be venerated and his message shared
        relics and sharing his message with all who visit this  and offer a sign of hope in what is an ever challenging
        wonderful place, they do so with great solemnity and  and secular world.
        cheer. In this modern day digital age the friars are also
        active on the internet, enabling their outreach work to   Almighty everliving God, who gave Saint Anthony
        reach all corners of the globe.                        of Padua to your people as an outstanding preacher
                                                               and an intercessor in their need, grant that, with his
          At the Basilica of Saint Anthony, pilgrims can       assistance, as we follow the teachings of the Christian
        immerse themselves in the beauty of the surroundings   life, we may know your help in every trial. Through
        and give glory to God through following the pilgrimage   our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns
        path. Pilgrims can also learn more about St Anthony    with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever
        through the educational opportunities, engage with     and ever. (Collect for the feast of St Anthony)
        the sacred liturgies and pray at the tomb of the saint.
        The Treasury, which is baroque in style, houses a vast   For more information on the Basilica visit:
        range of treasures associated with St Anthony and the  
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