Page 3 - NCF Report – February
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NCF Monthly Report – February 15 (submitted on February 21)

                          k.  The role of the military in the defense and promotion of freedom
                          l.  Conflicts between different freedoms

                       There are many additional relevant themes, topics, and opportunities that will become clear as
                       the project evolves. The catalyst and inspiration for all programming will be the memory of the
                       significant events that took place at Fort Monroe.
                   2.  Accept the Universal Declaration of Rights (UDHR) as a core document listing agreed upon
                       rights. Rights and freedom are always interrelated and inseparable. The National Center for
                       Freedom acknowledges the UDHR as a universally agreed-upon standard for governments and
                       the public. "When the UDHR was released, it had a two-fold purpose: provide a guideline for the
                       future and force the world to acknowledge that human rights had been violated on a massive
                       scale during WWII. With a standard for what is a human right, governments can be held
                       accountable for their actions. There's power in naming injustice and pointing to a precedent,
                       which makes the UDHR and other human rights documents so important."  Acknowledgment of
                       these rights and the relationship with freedoms is essential to distinguish and a vital part of the
                       Center's work.
                   3.  Collective Journeys LLC Contract Renewal. Currently, the contract between the FMA and
                       Collective Journeys LLC ends on June 30, 2020. Activities that take place after June 30 assume
                       that Collective Journeys LLC will remain contracted with FMA.

                   1.  Fort Monroe as "a place of origin in the struggle for freedom," rather than "the origin of the
                       struggle for freedom." Historically, the 1619 arrival marks a significant time in the struggle for
                       freedom in what we call the United States. However, there is evidence of Spanish explorers in
                       1526, bringing 100 slaves with them to what is now South Carolina or Georgia. Being
                       considerate of the 1526 events will help avoid future criticism from the academic and African
                       American community who have been aware of the 1526 story. Also, we want to ensure we do
                       not overlook the freedoms that were denied to the Indigenous Indians as Europeans began to
                       arrive in America. We will want to be careful to ensure we do not frame this place in isolation of
                       these other historical events.
                   2.  "The Center for Freedom at Fort Monroe". In the One Community Transformation Grant
                       application, the Center is called "The Center for Freedom." Also, I read or heard "at Fort
                       Monroe" as an addition to one of the variations of the name.  I like that addition as it ensures
                       the connection of the Center to the physical site.  So, I'm suggesting that we consider referring
                       to this as the Center for Freedom at Fort Monroe. This name seems to capture the essence of
                       articulated aspirations of the Center perfectly. I think it makes it easier to explain to the general
                       public and possible funders. I also think it helps to let people connect the Center the partnership
                       between the FMA and NPS. Based on my internal and external conversations, I suggest we refer
                       to the Center as "the Center for Freedom at Fort Monroe." For the purpose of this report, I'll
                       use that term to ascertain how well it reads.
                   3.  Center for Freedom at Fort Monroe Mission, Vision, Values. The mission, vision, and values of
                       an organization are integral to the company's strategy because they are used to define future

               1 10 Reasons Why Human Rights Are Important | Human Rights ....

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