Page 7 - NCF Report – February
P. 7

NCF Monthly Report – February 15 (submitted on February 21)

                              o  Finalize Dialogic Worksheet questions


                   We have confirmed the speakers, dates, times, and location of the inaugural lectures. As we
                   consider the official name for these lectures, I submit that the primary target audience as a wide
                   range of influential people and organizations that can partner with us in the future. I've discussed
                   this with Phyllis Terrell, Director of Marketing, who seemed to agree, and she can help find ways to
                   use this as an opportunity to message appropriately.  The dates of those experiences are as follows:

                          Date                        Speaker                           Location
                                        Kikeokan - Executive Producer, Piscataway
                    May 21              Conoy education and entertainment
                                        Rex Ellis - retired Associate Director for
                                        Curatorial Affairs at the National Museum   Fort Monroe Visitors Center
                    July 16
                                        of African. American History and Culture
                                        (NMAAHC) at the Smithsonian.
                                        Christy Coleman - Executive Director,
                    September 10
                                        Jamestown/ Yorktown Foundation

                   Each program will take place at the Fort Monroe Visitors Center, with a capacity of 75 seats. We
                   desire to Livestream this and record it using Facebook.

                   The program begins at 6 pm with light refreshments and social interaction. At 6:30, the presentation
                   begins, lasting 45 min.  At 7:15, we'll conduct 15 min of Q&A.  The program ends at 7:30.
                       NEXT STEPS –

                              o  Finalize with procurement.
                              o  Review marketing materials and provide feedback.
                              o  A conference call with all speakers.
                              o  Identify staff and volunteers to help staff the event.
                              o  Eventbrite – Need to confirm the point person – Aaron Whittington or Jan Bomar?
                              o  Identify and secure refreshments.
                              o  Identify and secure materials for live streaming and photography.
                              o  Modify the budget, as applicable.

               VISITOR'S CENTER/ EXHIBITS (Jan Bomar)

                   The Visitor's Center will have a soft opening within the next two months. We envision the Education
                   and Visitors Center as the gateway to the broader Fort Monroe. We see this place as the entry point,
                   though we realize guests enter Fort Monroe for a variety of reasons and could easily access the site
                   without entering the Education and Visitor's Center. As Jan prepares for occupancy, she is preparing

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