Page 12 - NCF Report – February
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NCF Monthly Report – February 15 (submitted on February 21)

                   •  Kids in Kayaks. Planning continues regarding this program. This summer, the NPS is producing its
                       Kids in Kayak program, funded by the Chesapeake NPS office. It is a summer program to get middle
                       school  students  in  the  Hampton  Roads  area  out  on  the  water  to  engage  in  environmental
                       education. The James River Association will work with Norfolk, Hampton, Newport News, and
                       York County schools. There will be four weeks of instruction at Fort Monroe. The four weeks will
                       most likely occur in July. Approximately 30 students will come out for education over two days,
                       and then a new 30 students will come for another 2-day program. There is no cost to students or
                       school systems.

                       NEXT STEPS:

                          •  Aaron and Richard meet to identify opportunities to include the Center of Freedom. (by
                              February 28)
                          •  Identify any other opportunities for future planning.

               ARCHIVES AND LIBRARY RESOURCES (Ledgers only – Chelsea Morris)

               Although other aspects of the Archives and Library resource planning are on hold, efforts continue in the
               transcribing, and eventual public accessibility of two volumes of "Register of Work Done by Slave Labor at
               Fort Monroe, VA." These volumes identify, by name, the hundreds of enslaved men, women, and children
               who worked on the construction of the fort from 1820 until 1824. Once completed, the full transcription
               will be available for researchers, genealogists, and the public. An interactive in the Fort Monroe Visitor
               and Education Center features portions of the transcription and subsequent research.

               As of February 3, 2020, here is where we are in the process:
                     Progress as of           Volume 1                Volume 2            Complete Ledger

                      Total Pages                147                     187                     334

                  Pages Transcribed               41                      40                      81

                 % of volume (pages)             28%                     21%                   24.25%

                     Total Months                 21                      24                      45

                 Months Transcribed                7                      6

                     % of volume                 33%                     25%                     29%

               Chelsea and I talked about potential ways to create awareness of this work through blog post entries. So,
               we have a follow-up to explore that further with the hope of placing a blog on the FMA website in late
               March.  Chelsea and I are exploring similar projects at other institutions so we can more fully assess other
               opportunities where we can make this information public. However, one idea that we do have is to make
               the information available on eMediaVA, Virginia's premier online destination for teachers to access high-

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