Page 11 - NCF Report – February
P. 11

NCF Monthly Report – February 15 (submitted on February 21)

                              o  Identify their needs
                              o  Identify up to 3 classes of approx. Twenty students to serve as a prototype testing
                              o  Prototype a new 4 -grade tour and use data from experience to make revisions.
                              o  Continue testing into the Fall season.
                              o  Respond to the feedback of needs that match our resources and ability to deliver.
                       •  Summer Teacher 1-day Workshop. Developing a 1-day workshop will be easy to create.
                          Much of the materials to produce such are readily available. Sample sessions might include
                          the following:
                              o  Introduction to resources at Fort Monroe – Staff of the Casemate Museum & NPS
                              o  Dealing with Controversial subjects – Richard Josey
                              o  Using Primary Resources – Staff of Casemate/ NPS/ Richard Josey
                              o  Pursuing Equity in the Classroom - Eric Louérs-Phillips, supervisor of accelerating
                                 achievement and Equity, Frederick County Public Schools, MD
                              o  Slavery before and after Fort Monroe – Hampton University Scholar?

               NOTE: In the future, School and Teacher Resources and Public thematic tours will fall under one
               category that Amber Inwood/ Aaron Firth with Denis Dooley providing substantial support. An
               addendum to this report will include updates in thematic tours.


               Due to time constraints, Aaron and I were unable to connect to get an update on this. However, I
               understand that NPS has planned a list of events for 2020. Aaron and I will meet, discuss those, and find
               opportunities to place applicable events in the context of freedom's struggle.

               One event that I want to suggest to Aaron is the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
               Organization (UNESCO) International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition on
               August 23. The UNESCO website also lists other commemorative dates at

                       NEXT STEPS:
                          •  Aaron shares 2020 programs with Richard and Phyllis. (by February 28)
                          •  Aaron and Richard meet to identify opportunities to include the Center of Freedom. (by
                              February 28)
                          •  With FMA staff, identify any events for development.

               SUMMER FREEDOM ACADEMIES (Aaron Firth)

               Due  to  time  constraints,  Aaron  and  I  were  unable  to  connect  to  get  an  update  on  this.  However,  I
               understand that NPS has a couple of programs to forward as related to the Center for Freedom at Fort
               Monroe. Aaron and I will meet, discuss those, and seek opportunities to connect these programs to the
               context of the freedom's struggle.

                   •  Fife and Drum. I still struggle with how we connect this to the Center for Freedom, but Aaron and
                       I will do our best.

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