Page 10 - Modul Ajar Ibu Anisa (BING)
P. 10


              Group         :

              Name          :  1.                               4.

                              2.                                5.


              Class         :

              Domain        : Reading - Descriptive text (Place)

             A. Observe these video by link :

             B. Discuss with your group to answer these questions
                1. What do you read from the text? and what is the text  about?
                2. What is the descriptive about?
                3. What is the purpose of the text?
                4. What is the content of the text?
                5. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
                6. Mention about language feature of the text!
                7. Present  the result of your discussion in your text by explaining about the content, generic
                   structure, language feature and social function in your text!

             C.  Text

                         Indonesia is one of the countries that is located in southeast asia.  Indonesia is known
                as an archipelago country because it consist of many island. This tropical country is also well
                known with richness of cultures, languages and tourist destinations.

                         Like other countries, Indonesia also has own philosophy on its national flag. The color
                of the national flag is red and white. Those colors have deep meaning for Indonesians. Red
                means brave and white means purity.

                         Indonesia has two seasons. They are dry and wet seasons. The dry season starts from
                June to October. The weather is hot in this season. The sun shines so brightly. After the dry
                season, wet season comes. It starts from November to march. It’s almost rainy every day. Heavi
                rain often occurs during this season.

               Modul Ajar Fase F Bahasa Inggris                                                      Page 10
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