Page 9 - Modul Ajar Ibu Anisa (BING)
P. 9
Group :
Name : 1. 4.
2. 5.
Class :
Domain : Reading - Descriptive text (Place)
A. Observe these video by link :
B. Discuss with your group to answer these questions
1. What do you read from the text? and what is the text about?
2. What is the descriptive about?
3. What is the purpose of the text?
4. What is the content of the text?
5. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
6. Mention about language feature of the text!
7. Present the result of your discussion in your text by explaining about the content, generic
structure, language feature and social function in your text!
C. Text
Maimun Palace
Maimun palace is a tourist destination in North Sumatera whis has historiacl and cultural values
located at Jalan Brigjen Katamso, Aur, Medan< this palace is iconic to Medan.
The building stands on an area of 2,772 square meters and is the heritage of the Deli Sultanate it
was designed by an italian architect and built in 1888 under the rule of Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid, the
Sultan of Deli.
The palace has stunning architecture it combines islamic, Dutch and Malay architectures with a
dominant color of yellow, typical of Malay. This two-storey building is divided into three parts, namely, the
main building, left and right wing parts. It is supported by 82 octagonal stone pillars and 43 wooden pillars.
The first flooor displays antiques such as old furrniture and ornaments, while the second floor is
used as the residence of the sultanate families. There are 13 rooms on the second floor, 7 of which are in the
main building, 3 rooms in the left wing part and 3 other rooms in the right wing part.
Modul Ajar Fase F Bahasa Inggris Page 9