Page 12 - Modul Ajar Ibu Anisa (BING)
P. 12

Student's Reflexion

                     Reflexy can give by some questions to measure knowledge students. The following
                     questions are ......

                 No.                          Statements                              Yes          No
                  1    Do you enjoy with the matery today?
                  2    Do you find the difficult lesson today? What is it?
                  3    Is the theme of discussing today?
                  4    I know about social functions of descriptive text.
                  5    I can explain about descriptive text.
                  6    I know language feature of descriptive text.
                  7    I can explain social function of descriptive text.
                  8    I can explain about generic structure of descriptive text.

                  9    I can mention about each main idea from the text
                 10    I can identification about adjective order from the text.

               If there is answer "No", so the teacher is giving of review lesson. But, if there is answer "Yes"
               so the teacher can continue the next lesson.

                     Teacher's Reflexion

                     Reflexy can give by some questions. The following questions are ......

                 No.                      Statements                            Teacher's reflexion
                  1    Are the students follow learning activity by good?
                  2    What is your opinion about the process of learning
                  3    Mention about the difficulties from the students?
                  4    Have the goal's activity success?

                                              DAFTAR SISWA REMEDIAL

             Hari/tanggal  : ..................
             Jam            : ..................
             Domain         : Reading - Descriptive text (Place)

               No.  Nama Siswa                                Kelas                    Tanda Tangan

             Note :
                    Jadwal Remedi : Remedi dilaksanakan minggu depan dari waktu sekarang.

               Modul Ajar Fase F Bahasa Inggris                                                      Page 12
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