Page 7 - Feb2018BPSNews
P. 7

 For adver sing informa on, contact Debra Foley at 321-633-1000 x529
        Palm Bay Elementary
Palm Bay Elementary froze the compe  on once again at the Special Olympics Polar Plunge. For
the past four years, the school has won the award for having the largest school team to par cipate. This year, their team included 67 teachers, sta , volunteers, parents, business partners and more. The event is part of a fundraising e ort that takes place at Aqua ca. The team raised more than $11,000 for the school’s Special Olympics Florida program and the county program, Special Olympics Florida—Brevard.
Volunteers take the plunge for the Special Olympics.
Longleaf Elementary
Melbourne Police Department stopped by Longleaf Elementary in Melbourne to spend  me with students and play games. Through COPS (Cool Outside Programs at School), Melbourne Police Department o cers visit elementary schools every two weeks to build a posi ve presence at schools and to help students understand how the department helps the community.
Longleaf Elementary students have also been strengthening their character. Each month, counselor Taylor Gabreski, works with students on a di erent posi ve character trait. Gabreski teams up with students to create a video, lesson or ac vity in support of the trait. Also, one student from each class is recognized and receives prizes for consistently demonstra ng the trait throughout the month.
       Click here to see Longleaf Elementary students’ character-building lesson.
         Come in for a FREE Second Look® Review.1
Heritage High and Meadowlane Primary Elementary
Varsity baseball players from Heritage High and author Elisa M. Camara promoted patrio sm and early literacy during a visit
to Meadowlane Primary Elementary. The author’s brother, U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Mecot Camara, was one of 241 American service members killed during a bombing in Beirut, Lebanon
in 1983. Camara created the “Patriot Pup” book series to pay tribute to her brother’s life. She read “Patriot Pup” to about 750 students. Then, the student-athletes read the sequel Patriot Pup, Volume ll: Baseballs & Hot Dogs to classes. This sequel was edited by Heritage High literacy coach Denise Peters. The Patriot Pup mascot visited the school as well.
Elementary students learn about patrio sm from high school athletes.
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  1 At participating offices. Results vary. All tax situations are different. Fees apply if you have us file a corrected or amended return. The IRS allows taxpayers to amend returns from the previous three tax years to claim additional refunds to which they are entitled. Applies to individual tax returns only. OBTP#B13696 © 2017 HRB Tax Group, Inc.

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