Page 18 - Vol46-No02-Summer-2023-inLeague
P. 18


        At a glance...

               •     7:30 am   Registration Ballroom Pre-Function
               •     8:00 am   Eye Opener Breakfast: Peer Discussions and Networking Ballroom
               •     9:00 am   LHAT Annual Membership Meeting Ballroom
               •     9:45 am   Education - Tools & Techniques Segment 3A
               •   11:00 am   Networking Refreshment Break Ballroom Pre-Function
               •   11:30 am   Education - Tools & Techniques Segment 3B
               •   12:45 pm   Lunch on Your Own
               •     2:30 pm   Education - Tools & Techniques Segment 4
               •     4:00 pm   Cocktails & Networking Ballroom Pre-Function
               •     5:00 pm   Facilitated Networking Breakouts (Topics to Be Announced) Locations to Be Announced
                Event Details

                8:00 am - 9:00 am
               MORNING Eye Opener Breakfast: Peer Discussions and Networking
                9:00 am - 9:30 am
                LHAT Annual Membership Meeting
                9:45 am - 11:00 am
                Education: Tools & Techniques Segment 3A
                FIVE concurrent sessions. Session names, details, and room locations start on page 18.
                11:00 am - 11:30 am
                Networking Refreshment Break
                Ballroom Pre-Function
                11:30 am - 12:45 pm
                Education: Tools & Techniques Segment 3B
                FIVE concurrent sessions. Session names, details, and room locations start on page 18.
                12:45 pm - 2:15 pm
                Lunch On Your Own
                2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
                Education: Tools & Techniques Segment 4
                FIVE concurrent sessions. Session names, details, and room locations start on page 20.
              AFTERNOON  5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
                4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                Cocktails & Networking
                Ballroom Pre-Function

                Facilitated Networking Breakouts
                Locations to Be Announced

                We will divide into four or five rooms with LHAT Board Members and other
                volunteers to facilitate each group for a lively, anything goes conversation
                based on topics that you suggested!

                Topics to be discussed will be announced at the end of the Cocktail hour.

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