Page 10 - Fall 2021 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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Board Committees                                       perform research and make recommendations

        (continued from previous page)                         to the board for actions and decisions so that
                                                               the board can better focus on more pressing
        and the organization. In addition, the board
        chair should have a good working relationship          There are several ways to structure committee                         Smart ticketing and
        with the executive director. The executive             meetings. Most nonprofit boards have a few
        director should assure the board chair that the        standing committees and a few ad hoc
        board’s decisions and resolutions are being            committees. A new trend in governance that’s
        carried out as requested.                              gaining popularity is to use a three-committee                        marketing tools for standing
                                                               nonprofit board committee structure.
        Board chairs usually have the authority to
        appoint all committee chairs and to recommend          The primary committees for nonprofit boards are                       ovations every time.
        committee members as appropriate. In other             the nominating and governance committee, the
        duties, the board chair works closely with the         finance and/or risk committee and the executive
        executive director to prepare board meeting            committee.
        agendas for board meetings.
                                                               The nominating and governance committee
        Another duty that falls to the board chair is          is responsible for recruiting and orienting new
        coordinating an annual performance review                                                                                    Increase donor dollars with
        of the executive director. It’s considered best                                                                              a newly designed, fully
        practices for nonprofit boards to do annual self-
        evaluations. Board chairs assist in helping board                                                                            integrated donation suite.
        directors assess their own performance.
        As lead board director and meeting facilitator,                                                                              Your members and donors are
        board chairs also work closely with governance
        committees on recruiting board members.                                                                                      your most important customers.
                                                                                                                                     Our new patron account
        Vice-chairs or vice-presidents are also a vital part                                                                         management tools integrate
        of the leadership team. Their role is to fill in for
        the board president as needed and to carry out                                                                               seamlessly with your existing
        special assignments as requested by the chair.         board directors. They may also be charged                             donor processes to ensure
        Secretaries for nonprofits are required to attend      with ongoing board member education and                               efficient, easy membership
        all board meetings and be responsible for              development.
        maintaining complete and accurate board                Boards may also create a committee that                               management and sales that
        meeting minutes. Secretaries also ensure               accepts responsibility for some combination of                        reward your patrons’ loyalty.
        compliance with government laws and the                finance, risk management and auditing. Duties
        organization’s bylaws.                                 will vary based on the type of committee they
        Treasurers are responsible for creating a budget       An executive committee usually comprises the
        and any financial reports needed. Treasurers           board’s officers and the chief executive. This
        work with audit teams to complete the annual           group deals with issues that arise between board
        audit and answer the rest of the board’s               meetings. Executive committees may also serve
        questions about the audit. In addition, treasurers     as steering committees that prioritize items for
        may collect membership dues and pay the                board agendas.
        organization’s bills
                                                               Boards may also form committees or task forces
        Establishing Functional Nonprofit Board                for any other need they may have, such as:
        Committee Structures                                   •       Fundraising                                                   Proudly providing excellent service
                                                               •       Marketing                                                     to historic theatres for more than
        Committees undertake much of the board’s                                                                                     20 years.
        work. Committees work in smaller groups that                    (continued on page 10)
        provide an environment that’s conducive to
        productivity. During committees, members
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