Page 15 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Segment 1A Education Sponsor

         The Idea Center  at Playhouse Square (one session at KeyBank State)
         Tools & Techniques Segment 1A (11:15AM-12:30PM)

                “I’m in a Glass Case of Emotion!” How the             The Best Seat in the House: Playhouse Square
                Movie Anchorman Inspired Us to Raise                  KeyBank State Theatre’s Balcony Renovation
                $35,000 in One Day with Facebook Live                 (This session is at the KeyBank State Theatre)
        We are all looking for the next great fundraising idea. The   Presented at the 101-year-old KeyBank State
        Egyptian Theatre utilized a day of giving by going live on    Theatre, this is a collaborative, energetic discussion
        Facebook every hour all day long with different guests   of renovations at Playhouse Square’s Connor Palace
        and raised over $35,000. You’ll see the cheesy news team   Theatre and KeyBank State Theatre. Tom Einhouse, VP of
        commercial inspired by the movie Anchorman and the      Facilities and Capital at Playhouse Square, Christopher
        live Facebook segments they did. You’ll learn how they   Loeser, Culture and Performing Arts Principal for DLR Group,
        used an iPad, two iPhones, and a free app to pull it all off   and a representative of Turner Construction will join Irwin
        with a very small staff. Most importantly, you’ll learn how   Seating specialists Fritz Owen and Alex McCallum for a
        this idea allowed the theatre to share its non-profit mission,   behind the scenes look at the challenges and rewards of
        engage the board and volunteers, and ultimately be a very   large-scale historic renovations. This conversation reunites
        successful fundraising day.                             the team that worked on the ambitious redesign of KeyBank
        ROOM:  Gund Dance Studio (Idea Center, street level)    State Theatre’s balcony. Attendees will experience the
        Repeats in the 1B Segment                               amazing results firsthand from key players in the restoration.
        Presenters: Jeanine Holcomb, Marketing & Communications   ROOM: On-site at the KeyBank State Theatre.
        Director, Egyptian Theatre, DeKalb, IL; Alex Nerad, Executive
        Director, Egyptian Theatre, DeKalb, IL                  Does NOT repeat.
                                                                Presenters: Tom Einhouse, VP of Facilities & Capital,
               Selling Nostalgia: How to Produce                Playhouse Square; Christopher Loeser, AIA, Culture and
               Moneymaking Repertory Film Programs              Performing Arts Principal, DLR Group, Cleveland, OH; Fritz
                                                                Owen, Regional Sales Manager – Midwest, Irwin Seating;
        Nostalgia is a powerful thing. Whether it’s the shark from   and Alex McCallum, Northeast Regional Sales Manager,
        Jaws, the Yellow Brick Road in The Wizard of Oz, or those   Irwin Seating; Brenda Gajkowski and Rob Taras from Turner
        gooey xenomorphs from Aliens, audiences love the iconic   Construction
        movie moments that defined their childhoods. There is a
        real desire to revisit the classic images that shaped their   Those People: How a Historic Theater and Youth
        lives. Why? Some pictures are too big---and too good---to     Arts Activists Transformed a Community
        be seen on TV. They must be watched in a theatre in order     A murder of a young musician by local black kids
        to recapture the nostalgia associated with them and, no   around the corner from the Garde Theater leads to a
        matter how great a home TV system may be, a cinematic   response by the city’s youth that over eleven years solidifies
        spectacle is defined by spaces that can breathe…like    the theater’s role as a community center for healing
        gladiatorial arenas…and grand movie palaces. There’s a   across, race, class, location, and ages. Presenters will
        generation of potentially bankable movie lovers for your   outline the processes theaters can take to engage their
        repertory film series, if you know how to produce one (or   youth, audience, and community in transforming racial
        several). How do you book repertory films? How expensive is   and generational understanding and interaction. In this
        it? Which titles are proven moneymakers?                presentation, the process of community engagement,
        ROOM: Miller Classroom B (Idea Center, lower level) Repeats   especially with BIPOC youth, will be shared by Curtis
        in the 1B Segment.                                      Goodwin, who, after completing his first term as a New
        Presenter: Jim Carl, Senior Director of Film Programming,   London City Councilor, has become the Director of Youth
        Carolina Theatre of Durham, Durham, NC                  and Community Engagement at the Garde Arts Center.
               Marketing the Event Life Cycle: How to Sell      Along with the Executive Director of the Garde Arts
               More Tickets and Grow Your Audience Using        Center, Goodwin will share the challenges and lessons still
               Digital Strategies and the Conversion Funnel     being learned about youth leadership and community
        You want to grow your audience and sell as many tickets as   activism through the arts, and how historic theaters
                                                                can be agents of change in their own community. The
        possible to your live events, but are you taking advantage   presentation will include showing excerpts of the award-
        of the natural ebbs and flows of an event life cycle? In this   winning documentary film about the New London Talent
        session, we will teach you basic strategies to understand the   Show, “Those People”, produced by Curtis and the local
        ad metrics that truly matter by examining the organic event
        sales cycle and the sales conversions funnel. We will discuss   newspaper.
                                                                ROOM: Westfield Studio Theatre (Idea Center, street level)
        how you can apply these strategies to grow your audience,   Repeats in the 1B Segment.
        discover new individual donors, and sell more tickets – often   Presenters: Curtis Goodwin, Director of Youth and
        without increasing your marketing budget.               Community Engagement, Garde Arts Center. New London,
        ROOM: Miller Classroom A (Idea Center, lower level)  Does
        NOT repeat.                                             CT; Steve Sigel, Executive Director, Garde Arts Center. New
                                                                London, CT
        Presenters: Aaron Bare, Chief Marketing Officer, Etix; Maddie
        Snider, Marketing Services Manager, Etix
                                                   46th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2022   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 13
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