Page 17 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Conference Education Sponsor

         The Idea Center  at Playhouse Square
         Tools & Techniques Segment 1B (1:45PM-3:00PM)

                Creative Community Partnerships for                   Selling Nostalgia: How to Produce
                FUNdraising and “Friend”raising                       Moneymaking Repertory Film Programs
                How can you utilize relationships to create
        community partnerships that will help enhance your     Previoulsy offered.  Description on page 9.
        theatre’s mission and potentially grow your patron and   ROOM: Miller Classroom B (Idea Center, lower level)
        donor base? Think about the leading organizations
        and groups within your community, like school districts,       “I’m in a Glass Case of Emotion!” How the
        community colleges and universities, neighboring businesses,   Movie Anchorman Inspired Us to Raise $35,000
        hospitals and more. How can your theatre be of service
        because of its unique strengths? How can you meet their        in One Day with Facebook Live
        needs? The Executive Directors of the Tennessee Theatre in   Previoulsy offered.  Description on page 9.
        Knoxville and the Wallace Theater in Levelland, TX and will   ROOM: Gund Dance Studio (Idea Center, street level)
        share their real-world strategies and success stories. Learn
        how to leverage your organization’s unique strengths, talents   Those People: How a Historic Theater and Youth
        and programming to be a leader in your community to           Arts Activists Transformed a Community
        receive more donations and funding.                           Previoulsy offered.  Description on page 9.
        ROOM: Miller Classroom A (Idea Center, lower level)     ROOM: Westfield Studio Theatre (Idea Center, street level)
        Repeats again tomorrow.
        Presenters: Becky Hancock, Executive Director, Tennessee
        Theatre, Knoxville, TN; Alycyn Keeling, Executive Director,
        Wallace Theater, Levelland, TX

         MONDAY AFTERNOON CONFERENCE EVENT                                             A Don’t Miss
         Crowne Plaza Hotel Palace Ballroom located on the 2nd Floor

         3:15pm - 5:45pm                                                                    Event!

                                            meet the Service providerS
                                      eXpo & cocKtaiL receptioN

            Learn about new technologies, goods & services that historic theatres need most,
            while making new contacts or renewing relationships and enjoying a reception with
            late afternoon snacks and drinks. LHAT's 2022 Expo provides an opportunity for service
            providers and suppliers to meet representatives from historic theatres, discover their
            needs, and "put a face with a name" during a premiere conference event.

                  Activity Stream               EverGreene Architectural Arts      National Trust Insurance Services
              Agile Ticketing Solutions                 Gala Systems              Performing Arts Readiness/LYRASIS
                     Artsman                     Historic Plaster Conservation      Professional Audio Designs, Inc.
                  AudienceView                 Services | John Tiedemann Inc.                Quinn Evans
                   BakerHostetler             Historic Theatre Coloring Books &        Rourke & Rosenberg, LLC
               Casablanca Ventures                      Photography                         Schuler Shook
              Conrad Schmitt Studios                 InterAmerica Stage                   Tiffin Scenic Studios
                  Custom Plaster                   Irwin Seating Company           Stuart Jackson LLC / Bloomsburg
                    DLR Group                      John Canning & Co. Ltd.                 Carpet Industries
                   DonorPerfect                   Kirwin & Simpson Seating              V.I.P. Tours of New York
                        Etix                  Mills + Schnoering Architects, LLC            Watchfire Signs

                                                   46th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2022   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 15
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