Page 19 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Conference Education Sponsor

         The Idea Center  at Playhouse Square
         Tools & Techniques Segment 2A (9:45AM-11:00AM)

                How to Manage Your Theatre’s Risk                     That’s Not Our Fire Exit - It’s Our VIP
                and Other Insurance Topics                            Speakeasy! Using Your Theatre Spaces
                                                                      Differently than Intended to Drive
        MDP Programs and National Trust Insurance Services            Revenue and Advance Your Mission
        administer the Historic Theatre Insurance Program designed   Take a look inside the 1,250 seat Paramount Theatre in
        for LHAT members. Kevin Sullivan will address the insurance   Austin to learn how its spaces have been activated to
        coverages every theatre needs; whether just starting out   further engage donors through its history and mission.
        or a fully operational organization. An overall discussion on   We are not just a ticketed show venue! This session will
        what the different coverage options mean for a theatre will   teach you creative ways to use the areas of your theatre
        be provided as well as risk management tips. Ask the Expert   differently. We are constantly striving to create new and
        Q&A session will follow where you can present your current   exciting experiences for donors and patrons who have
        insurance woes and have Kevin as a resource!            been in the building countless numbers of times, making
        ROOM:  Miller Classroom B (Idea Center, lower level) Does   them want to return again and again and discover
        NOT repeat.                                             something new as often as possible. We will cover the full
        Presenter: Kevin Sullivan, Client Executive, National Trust   scope of specific projects, from inception of idea and
        Insurance Services, Baltimore, MD                       scoping the work and budget through execution. Your fire
                                                                exit stairwell can convert to a “Hall of Legends”. The hidden
                                                                alley/trash storage can become the VIP Garrison Brothers
               Maximizing Sustainable Seating in                Bourbon Speakeasy.
               Historic Venues: The Effects of Poor             ROOM: Miller Classroom A (Idea Center, lower level) Does
               Seated Posture on Theatre Audiences              NOT repeat.
                                                                Presenters: Sydney Barrosse, Associate Director Special
                                                                Events, Paramount Theatre, Austin, TX
        On average, customers making up your theatre audience will   Maica Jordan, Chief Development Officer, Paramount
        be physically bigger now than when your venue was built.   Theatre, Austin, TX
        But is lower seat density and larger seats the only solution to a
        more comfortable audience, or should we be looking at how
        we sit in seats (whatever their size) rather than how many
        seats are in a venue? This interactive presentation covers: -
        physical and ergonomic factors causing people to sit badly -
        poor posture’s negative influence on physiological well-being
        and emotions - clinical findings - history of improving seated
        posture - ideas to sustainably improve seat comfort and
        customer satisfaction.
        ROOM: Gund Dance Studio (Idea Center, street level) Does
        NOT repeat.
        Presenter: Ian Moore, Chief Executive Officer, NuBax Limited
        / Business Development Manager, Kirwin & Simpson Theatre

               Re-engaging Your Donor Audience

        An interactive workshop to reflect on lessons learned from
        the pandemic and best practices moving forward. Join us
        as we take a deep dive into LHAT members experiences.
        Participants will walk away with a menu of findings and
        ideas. We encourage participants to come prepared to
        share their successes and challenges experienced during
        the pandemic.
        ROOM: Westfield Studio Theatre (Idea Center, street level)
        (Repeats in Segment 2B)
        Presenters: Ricia Ballas, Vice President, The Compass
        Group, Dayton, OH; Elizabeth Weatherly, Vice President, The
        Compass Group, Knoxville, TN

                                                   46th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2022   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 17
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