Page 22 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
P. 22
Conference Education Sponsor
The Idea Center at Playhouse Square
Tools & Techniques Segment 3 (2:15PM-3:30PM)
Accessibility for Historic Theatres: A Creative Community Partnerships for
Guide to the ADAAG FUNdraising and “Friend”raising
In this session we will review the most recent requirements
of the ADAAG including those related to wheelchair How can you utilize relationships to create community
accommodations, the ambulatory handicapped, the partnerships that will help enhance your theatre’s mission
and potentially grow your patron and donor base? Think
hard of hearing, and the sight impaired. We will discuss
the technical requirements and technological solutions about the leading organizations and groups within your
as well as challenges specific to historic buildings and the community, like school districts, community colleges and
case for making ‘reasonable accommodations’ when full universities, neighboring businesses, hospitals and more.
compliance is impossible or cost prohibitive. We will also How can your theatre be of service because of its unique
strengths? How can you meet their needs? The Executive
discuss ways to make your events more accessible, even if
you don’t plan to do a construction project. The structure of Directors of the Tennessee Theatre in Knoxville and the
the session will be a technical overview followed by some Wallace Theater in Levelland, TX and will share their
examples from other historic projects. We will discuss what real-world strategies and success stories. Learn how to
you can do right now operationally, and end with a Q&A. leverage your organization’s unique strengths, talents and
programming to receive more donations and funding.
ROOM: Gund Dance Studio (Idea Center, street level) Does
NOT repeat. ROOM: Westfield Studio Theatre (Idea Center, street level)
Presenter: Scott Cryer, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, Principal, Previously presented on Monday.
HGA, Washington, D.C.; Alec Stoll, ASTC, Principal, Stages Presenters: Becky Hancock, Executive Director, Tennessee
Consultants, Highland Park, NJ Theatre, Knoxville, TN; Alycyn Keeling, Executive Director,
Wallace Theater, Levelland, TX
Creating a “Paranormal” Revenue The Remarkable Journey of an
Stream in a Rural Market Obscure, Dilapidated and Boarded Up
The Rohs Opera House is the oldest theater in Kentucky, Downtown Building to a Fully Restored
originally built as a music hall in 1871. It had a history of 1851 Theater
being haunted. The current owners took that history and
built a revenue stream around it that accounts for 20% of the Emerging from darkness, uncertainty, and ignorance, the
theater’s annual revenue. Featuring overnight ghost hunts, transformation of the 1851 Woodward Opera House began
an annual walking tour, and a recently created “escape in 1994 led by a small group of community members forming
room” experience, “ghosts” at the Rohs are now generating an arts partnership. The partnership team grew into a
a significant amount of our yearly revenue in a small, rural leadership consortium of several non-profits. The Mount
market. This presentation will walk participants through the Vernon community, pop. 16,000, came together to support
lessons learned on how to leverage your local ghosts and the Woodward which resulted in the full restoration of the
stories into paid admissions and events. We’ll share stories second oldest existing theater structure in America. How did
of “our ghosts” along with pictures, videos, and “EVP’s” so this happen? What were the elements of success?
participants can see firsthand what our customers have ROOM: Miller Classroom B (Idea Center, lower level) Does
experienced on their “hunts.” We’ll talk about how we NOT repeat.
monetized and marketed these experiences but also have a Presenters: Pat Crow, Project Manager & Founding Board
time for shared experiences in the audience. Member, Woodward Development Corp., Mount Vernon,
ROOM: Miller Classroom A (Idea Center, lower level) Does OH; Charissa Durst, Project Architect, Hardlines Design
NOT repeat. Company, Columbus, OH; David Kahn, President, Acoustic
Presenter: James Smith, Co-Owner, Rohs Opera House, Distinctions, Stamford, CT
Cynthiana, KY
Sponsored by:
Presented by Karamu House & Getting To We, Inc.
4:00PM-5:00PM - Description next page
Following the DEI Plenary 5:00PM
Tour at the Allen Theatre - 6:00PM
PAGE 20 | INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres