Page 21 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Conference Education Sponsor

         The Idea Center  at Playhouse Square
         Tools & Techniques Segment 2B (11:30AM-12:45PM)

                Cincinnati Music Hall: Orchestrating                  Re-engaging Your Donor Audience
                Multiple Arts Programs into One Venue                 Post-Pandemic

        The Cincinnati Music Hall has been restored and improved   An interactive workshop to reflect on lessons learned from
        to support the needs of many diverse performing arts    the pandemic and best practices moving forward. Join us
        groups. CMH has very significant resident companies that   as we take a deep dive into LHAT members experiences.
        operate in the same hall; working together, they improved   Participants will walk away with a menu of findings and
        their production quality, patron experience, and technical   ideas. We encourage participants to come prepared to
        sophistication. Reopening in 2017, the venue is a wonderful   share their successes and challenges experienced during
        example of intensive programming and discussions to     the pandemic.
        elevate the needs, aspirations, and design of the renovated   ROOM: Westfield Studio Theatre (Idea Center, street level)
        hall. The programmatic requirements for the Hall and the   Presented Previously in Segment 2A
        antiquated building and systems needed to be redefined   Presenters: Ricia Ballas, Vice President, The Compass
        to create a successful future for the performance groups,   Group, Dayton, OH; Elizabeth Weatherly, Vice President, The
        all within the context of the National Historic Landmark   Compass Group, Knoxville, TN
        status. This session will bring together the Symphony’s
        operations manager, the architect, the theatre planner,
        and the acoustician to show how the needs were met and        Targeting Performing Arts Audiences in
        balanced throughout the project and how these aspects of      Rural, Blue-Collar America
        a multi-purpose hall are pertinent to theatres of all sizes.
        ROOM:  Miller Classroom B (Idea Center, lower level) Does
        NOT repeat.                                            Struthers Library Theatre (SLT) is in Warren, PA, a rural
        Presenter: Michael DiBlasi, ASTC, Partner, Schuler Shook   northwestern Pennsylvanian town in the heart of the
        Theatre Planners, Minneapolis, MN; Gary Martinez, FAIA,   Allegheny National Forest. The entire county consists of
        Partner, OTJ Architects, Washington, D.C.; Paul Scarbrough,   about 37,000 people, with the city’s population totaling
        Principal, Akustiks, Norwalk, CT; Heather Stengle, Director of   9,191 citizens. Warren has long been known for its oil
        Operations, Cincinnati Symphony, Cincinnati, OH        and timber and is mostly a blue-collar, working town. For
                                                               decades, the people of Warren County considered the
                                                               theatre as a place that provided entertainment only for
                                                               “the rich.” In the past few labor-intensive years, the theatre
               Finding Post-COVID Normal in the Film           has reached out to several businesses in the area to sponsor
                                                               shows and events it provides. With sponsorship backing, SLT
               World                                           can book quality performers at a price that is affordable
                                                               to most Warren County citizens. Traditional means of
        The evolving landscape of film exhibition post-COVID has   marketing (newspaper, radio, and flyers) have been utilized
        been a challenge on many fronts. From policy, to audiences,   to promote activities to the largest demographic (60-80+) in
        to film release schedule, we are seeing the need to evolve   the Warren area, while newer marketing strategies include
        strategy, work with stakeholders in new ways and generally   more online advertising through social media platforms such
        reignite excitement for moviegoing in new and innovative   as Facebook and Instagram reach the younger generations.
        ways. This panel will explore the strategies of three different   In-depth surveys have been and still are consistently utilized
        exhibitors navigating the world of showing films in this   to determine what shows and genres would be most
        changing environment.                                  attended by Warren area audiences. Performers such as
        ROOM:  Gund Dance Studio (Idea Center, street level)    LeAnn Rimes, Winona Judd and Dwight Yoakam have all
        Does NOT repeat.                                       graced the stage at SLT for sold out performances. Struthers
        Presenter: Barak Epstein, Operator, Texas Theatre, Dallas, TX;   Library Theatre remains passionate about fulfilling its mission
        Stephanie Silverman, Executive Director, Belcourt Theatre,   statement: Entertaining, enriching and educating the
        Nashville, TN; Jill Witecki, Vice President and Director of   people of Warren County and the surrounding region in all
        Marketing, Tampa Theatre, Tampa, FL                    the qualities and delights of live theatre, music, dance, and
             Scan to dowload the                               ROOM: Miller Classroom A (Idea Center, lower level)
               Conference App to                               Does NOT repeat.
              stay connected with                              Presenters: Karen Austin, Executive Director, Struthers Library
                                                               Theatre, Warren, PA; Eric Morelli, Marketing and Educational
           your phone. Everything                              Director, Struthers Library Theatre, Warren, PA
               online in one place.

                                                   46th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2022   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 19
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