Page 3 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Greetings from President & CEO, Ken Stein

                                              Dear Colleagues and Friends,

              2022 Board of Directors         I want to say that I am excited to be hosting our first conference”after
                                              COVID” or “post-COVID” but someone today told me the more
                    Shane Burkett
               Agile Ticketing Solutions, LLC  appropirate term is “post-vaccine” as COVID really hasn’t gone
                       Rob Bull               anywhere. With that in mind, please join me in creating a safe space
                  The Compass Group           where attendees feel open to mask or not mask, to socialize or social
                                              distance and/or do what they need based on their personal health
                     Willa Burke              concerns.  If you feel unwell at anytime during the conference, please
                   Jujamcyn Theaters          limit your access to other attendees and let a member of the LHAT staff
                  Laura Corman, PhD           know how we can assist.
              Educator/Community Volunteer
                   Christine Delaney
                  Tibbits Opera House         It has been nearly three years since we gathered last in Philadelphia in
                  Steven Ehrenberg            2019. Three years. I just can’t get over that.  Some theatres have gone
           Ambassador Theatre Group / ATG North   from closed and shuttered to fully-restored and celebrating a grand
                       America                re-opening in that time. Colleagues have changed jobs or retired. No
              Molly Fortune (Board Chair)     doubt there will be plenty of familiar faces in Cleveland, but there will
              South Carolina American Revolution   also be many new ones. During COVID, the League expanded its reach,
                 Sestercentennial Commission  especially to assist with PPP, ERTC and that painful SVOG application
                   Becky Hancock              process. The staff and I worked hard to do what we could during COVID.
                   Tennessee Theatre          We had one goal in mind: this conference. We just really wanted to see
                    Alycyn Keeling            all of you in person again. Welcome! You made it.
                    Wallace Theater
                   Chris Loeser, AIA          This week we hope you enjoy Cleveland, home to some of America’s
                      DLR Group               most extraordinary historic theatres and the second largest theatre
                    Keith Marston             district in the nation. Thank you to our friends at Playhouse Square for
                The Shubert Organization      hosting us and especially Tom Einhouse who moved mountains so we
                    Randy McKay               could spend the week in the center of that district. Thank you as well to
               Carolina Theatre of Durham     Tony Sias and Karamu House for keeping us open to new ideas for this,
                   Maureen Patton             our second conference to be held in Cleveland.  2009 was our last visit.
               The Grand 1894 Opera House     We are happy to be back and so happy that you are with us (again)
               Michael Schnoering, FAIA       this time. A huge thank you goes out to all of our volunteer presenters.
                                              You are the reason the League is what it is. And finally, thank you to our
              Mills+Schnoering Architects, LLC  sponsors who make it all possible.
                      Tony Sias
                   Karamu House, Inc.
                 Stephanie Silverman          The week is filled with wonderful theatre tours Monday and Wednesday,
                    Belcourt Theatre          important education sessions each day, and what we hope will be an
                    Kevin Sullivan            enlightening special DEIB presentation on Tuesday.  Please don’t miss this
          Maury, Donnelly & Parr, Inc. / National Trust   special session as we also have a very exiciting announcment to make
                   Insurance Services         at the conclusion.

                                              I’m going to stop writing now so you can stop reading and we can all
                   BOARD EMERITUS             head down to the lobby bar and do some much needed catching up.
                   Dana Amendola              Or should I call it “networking” so it sounds more official?  Headed there
                 Disney Theatrical Group      now...
                      John Bell
                    Tampa Theatre             Take care,
                   Jeffrey W. Gabel
           Gettysburg College’s Majestic Theater
                     Bill Register            Ken Stein
              The Nederlander Organization
                                              President & CEO

                                                    46th National Conference & Theatre Tour      July 2022   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 1
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