Page 7 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Early Bird Sessions

                                          Pre-registration is required to ensure a spot.
                              Check at the LHAT registration desk to see if a spot is still available.
                                         Hotel Palace Ballroom located on 2nd Floor
                     Historic Theatre Renovation                              PART ONE: Making the Case
                     101: A Framework for                                     for Investment in the Arts
                     Planning Successful Projects                             and Your Historic Theatre
                     2:00pm - 5:00pm, State Room 3rd Floor                    2:00pm - 3:00pm, Palace Ballroom II

        Thinking about acquiring, restoring, and revitalizing a   Arts advocates are made, not born. Your ability to
        historic theatre? Already have one and need some       articulate the social, educational, and economic
        help? This early-bird, in-depth session – featuring a   value of your historic theater to government and
        team of leading experts in theatre planning, design,   community leaders is critical to your funding and local
        operation and tax credit financing – presents an       leadership. Take the mystery out of how to be an
        overview of a historic theatre renovation project.     effective advocate in this lively session with national
        Designed for historic theatre owners, community        arts advocacy leader, Randy Cohen. Bring home the
        leaders, board members, senior staff and others who    tools and strategies that will make you the knowledge
        are considering, beginning or participating in the     resource that decision makers look to for years to
        renovation of a historic theatre, this in-depth session   come.
        will help you develop a clear understanding of your
        role in the process. Groups who want to renovate a     Presenter:
        historic theatre are encouraged to attend as a team.   Randy Cohen, Vice President of Research, Americans
                                                               for the Arts, Washington, D.C.
             Michael DiBlasi, ASTC, IALD, Partner, Schuler     PART TWO: Power of Historic Theatres
             Shook, Minneapolis, MN                            3:15pm - 4:15pm, Palace Ballroom II
             Molly Fortune, Executive Director, South
             Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial     Here is a story about the small, historic theatre that
             Commission, Newberry, SC                          outperformed its larger, newer competitors despite its
                                                               smaller stage, cramped seats, tiny lobby and… well
             Michael Schnoering, FAIA, Partner, Mills +        we all know about historic theatre bathrooms. Learn
             Schnoering Architects, LLC, Princeton, NJ         how to refine your marketing and fundraising skills and
             Alec Stoll, ASTC, Partner, Stages Consultants,    have more fun because you don’t operate a theatre
             Highland Park, NJ (moderator)                     – you operate a historic theatre. What is the value of
             Nick Wilkinson, Executive Director, The Tivoli    your history? You might be pleasantly surprised!

             Theatre Foundation, Chattanooga, TN               Presenter:
                                                               Ken Stein, President & CEO, LHAT

                                           First Timer’s Welcome Lounge
                               4:30pm - 6:00pm, Allen Room & Outside Terrace- 3rd floor

        If this is your first LHAT National Conference, please make time on Sunday to stop by the First Timer’s Welcome Lounge.
        Enjoy a cold beverage and meet some fellow attendees. Ask questions and get pointers from seasoned LHAT conference
        attendees -- important things like:
                            • Don’t forget to wear your name badge
                            • Attend any education session you like; no need to sign up in advance (except for Early Bird Sessions)
                            • If you came with a group, consider not sitting together at social events and splitting up for education sessions -
                              divide and conquer!
                            • Don’t worry - the conference will seem overwhelming no matter what you do; just try to take in as much as you
                            • You’re here to network in person, so do as much as you can. Take advantage of having one-on-one access to
                              LHAT’s “brain trust” - the people who have “been there and done that.”
        LHAT folks are very willing to share their own tips, techniques, technologies, and best practices for historic theatre (and
        personal) success and survival. Remember, they were once first timers just like you!
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