Page 5 - Summer 2022 inLEAGUE with 46th National Conference Program
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Download the 46th National Conference App
and get more out of your Conference Experience
Download Instructions
1. Type in web browser
2. Click “Download iPhone/iPad App” to load Apple’s App Store
and download the app.
1. Type in web browser
2. Click “Download Android App” to load the Google Play Store
and download the app.
1. You’ll be using the web version of the app. Open the web
browser, click the BlackBerry menu button, select “Go To” and
Apple & Android users can also download
the app in their app store by searching for
“LHAT National Conference” or scanning
the QR Code below. To gain access to event content, you will be prompted to
confirm your registration. A code was sent to the email you
used to register for the 46th National Conference. If you lost your
password, you can re-enter your email in the app.
Conference App sponsored by
PAGE 2 | INLEAGUE League of Historic American Theatres