Page 13 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 13

(continued from page 8) Marquees had been chang-
        ing simultaneously with the advent of digital tools and
        finally have taken the ladder away from the mar-
        quee. Today’s digital marquees are programmed
        and changed remotely. The better mousetrap has
        arrived. Today many architects and sign compa-
        nies are steering theatres to digital.

        But it’s not for everyone. There are hundreds of
        classic historic theatres and marquees still us-
        ing Snap Lok and Slotted letters. While letters
        can still be found to keep the marquee filled,
        it’s not as easy as it once was. Converting
        an existing theatre marquee using Slotted
        and Snap Lok letters today is, at the least
        complicated, and depending on the re-
        placement not too costly, to very much so.
        Historic theatres can read the writing on
        their marquees.

        LHAT NOTE:  Bay City Cargo is an LHAT Allied
        Member and the last and only slotted and Snap Lok
        marquee letters dealer left that we are aware of.

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