Page 18 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 18
nAtionAL trUst insUrAnCE sErviCEs offErs
LhAt MEMBErs MAny BEnEfits
tEnAnt UsEr LiABiLity insUrAnCE PoLiCiEs (tULiP)
One of the largest “risk exposures” that exists in the theatre industry involves facility rental to
third party entities (i.e. weddings, corporate events, third party artists/performances, etc).
Often these third party entities have a hard time producing adequate proof of insurance
(and/or they balk at the cost of such policies). Without proof of such policies the theatre
organization is potentially liable for the actions of these third party entities.
Aware of this exposure, NTIS has created a very easy to use TULIP (Tenant User Liability
Insurance Policy) program. Enrollment in this program is free and there is no cost to the
What is a TULIP?
TULIP, or Tenant User Liability Insurance Policies, are a simple solution for venues or facility
owners to set up annual policies covering third-party liability for their lessees when holding
events. The coverage, which is purchased directly by the lessee via the HCC TotalEvent
online system, provides the proper insurance (as dictated by the venue’s requirements).
Ultimately, these policies are used to hold the venue harmless for incidents occurring during
Tampa Theatre Renovation