Page 21 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
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tion, selflessness, and excellence through his,
        her or their contribution to historic theatres
        and their communities. Levesque is credited
        with building on the theatre’s past success,
        taking the Paramount to new heights and
        reaching new audiences.

        When asked about the nomination Stein said,
        “It’s clear that since hiring Mr. Levesque, the
        Paramount Theatre has expanded its mission
        and artistic reach within the community of
        Abilene and West Texas. There were numer-
        ous worthy nominees, but George hit all the
        criteria and then some.”

                                         George Levesque,
                                         Executive Director
                                         for the Abilene
                                         the award for
                                         Contribution. Photo
                                         Credit: Don Telford

        Joseph Rosenberg Outstanding
        Individual Contribution Award Announced

        Starting in 2024,                                                                      The Original
        the Outstanding                                                                    Theatre Sippy Cup
        Contribution                                                                               A star in bar
        Award will be                                                                             concessions of
                                                                                                   LHAT theatres
        renamed for                                                                             across the country
        Joe Rosenberg,
        a current Allied
        Member and               Joe Rosenberg honored in
        former LHAT Board        Kansas City.
        Member.  Joe’s           Photo Credit: Don Telford
        multi-decades work to landmark the many
        beloved Broadway Houses and Radio
        City Music Hall, as well as his significant
        contributions within the League, were
        recognized and honored with the award’s
        name change. Joe is also a former winner
        of the award.

 PAGE 18 | Historic Theatre Resource Guide / Allied Member Directory                                                                               Fall 2023   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 19 | 800-825-5575
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