Page 17 - Fall 2023 inLEAGUE with Historic Theatre Resource Guide/Allied Member Directory
P. 17

thE BEst And BriGhtEst honorEd At

                                   nAtionAL ConfErEnCE

        In July LHAT recognized outstanding achieve-            Tibbits Opera House in Coldwater, MI, and
        ment within the industry when it announced              the Jayhawk Theatre in Topeka, KS.
        that Kansas City’s Folly Theater (1900) is the
        2023 Outstanding Historic Theatre in America.           LHAT OUTSTANDING HISTORIC THEATRE
        Additionally, George Levesque, Executive Di-            AWARD
        rector of the Paramount Theatre of Abilene,             The Folly Theater built in 1900 took home the
        Texas, was given the 2023 Outstanding Indi-             2023 Outstanding Historic Theatre Award
        vidual Contribution Award.                              during the conference which was attended

        The LHAT National Conference, presented in              by over 300 historic theatre operators and
        a different city each year, is the largest gath-        service providers from across North America
        ering of historic theatre professionals in the          and the United Kingdom. In addition to re-
        nation.  The conference took place in Kansas            ceiving the award, the staff and volunteers
        City, Missouri, at the Sheraton Kansas City             from The Folly hosted a tour and conference
        Hotel at Crown Center.  This year’s confer-             closing party featuring local BBQ and liba-
        ence focused not only on the preservation,              tions. Other theatres toured during the con-
        restoration and operation of historic theatres,         ference included Kansas City’s Uptown and
        but also the role arts organizations play in the        Midland theatres as well as the Aztec, Liberty
        ongoing conversations around diversity, equi-           Hall, and Jayhawk in Kansas and the Missouri
        ty, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB), which the          Theatre in St. Joseph.
        conference highlighted with presentations               “The 1900 Folly Theater stood out among an
        from the Paramount Theatre in Austin, TX, the
                                                                (Story continues on page 18)

         Above: LHAT Board Chair
         Becky Hancock, Folly’s
         Executive Director Rick
         Truman, and LHAT CEO
         Ken Stein at the Awards

         Right: Conference
         participants enjoyed a tour
         and party at the Folly.

         Photo Credit: Don Telford
                                      Historic Theatre Resource Guide / Allied Member Directory      Fall 2023   INLEAGUE  | PAGE 15
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