Page 126 - Minutes of meeting
P. 126

The Resilience Challenge

   Energy Transition

                                                                                             CO Emission Estimates (kt), 2017
       Clean growth is one of the Grand Challenges                                                                                   Total                % Change (2012-17)
       recognised in the national Industrial Strategy where
       Barrow has a key role to play both in terms of playing                                 Barrow                                  408                           -29%
       its   part     in    the     decarbonisation           agenda,       and
       maximising the transition to clean energy.                                             Cumbria                                3,788                          -25%

       It is estimated that in 2017 CO emissions in Barrow                                    England                              284,921                         -22.2%
       stood at 408 kt. Per capita CO emissions in Barrow                                    Per capita CO Emissions (t)
       stood at 6.1 tons in 2017, which is lower than                                                           2
       Cumbria (7.6) but higher than England (5.1).

       Total CO emissions have declined over time with a
       29% decline experienced since 2012, exceeding that
       seen in both Cumbria (25%) and England (22%).
       Interestingly, the per capita CO                 2   emissions gap
       between Barrow and England has widened from 0.2
       tons in 2005 to 1 ton in 2017.

   Source: UK local authority and regional CO national statistics: 2005-17, BEIS, 2019
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