Page 131 - Minutes of meeting
P. 131

The Labour Market Challenge

 Demographics & Migration
            Internal & Long-term International Migration to/from
 Migration flows are not a strong driver of population growth in Barrow.  Barrow
 In 2018, the net inflow of internal migration was negligible, due to a dip
 in the migrant outflow which may reflect increased economic

 opportunity within the town. Prior to 2018 there was a noticeable net
 outflow, despite a steady increase in internal migration in-flows since
 2012. International migration has led to a small net inflow of residents
 (+64) since 2017.

 The age breakdown of net internal migration in 2018 indicates a loss of
 young people aged 15-19 which may indicate a lack of higher education
 opportunities within the town. In contrast, Barrow has been successful

 at attracting young working age residents (25-34). There is a modest
 net outflow of those aged 65+ which points to retirees moving outside
 the town.  Net Internal Migration by Age, 2018

 Internal & Long-term International Migration to/from
 Barrow, 2017-8

 Inflow  Outflow  Net Inflow

 Internal Migration  1,753  1,751  2

 Long-term   136  72  64
 International Migration

 Source: ONS Internal Migration: Detailed Estimates, 2019; ONS Local Area Migration Indicators, 2009-2018
   126   127   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136