Page 136 - Minutes of meeting
P. 136
The Labour Market Challenge
Economic Inactivity
The are 10,800 economically inactive residents of working age in the BTD area, which represents 95% of all economically inactive
individuals in Barrow. The proportion of economically inactive individuals who want a job is lower in the BTD area (14%), compared
to the rest of Barrow (16%), Cumbria (18%) and England (21%).
At 44%, long term sickness is disproportionally important in driving the BTD area’s high economic inactivity. Notably, the proportion
of economically inactive long-term sick grew by a substantial 14% since 2014. This is consistent with the People, Employment &
Skills strategy group’s observation of a particularly high rate of Incapacity Benefit Claimants in Barrow (8.9% of the working age
population in November 2018) relative to the rest of Cumbria (5.8%).
The second most important reason for economic inactivity is studying (22%), which grew conservatively in comparison (5%). The
importance of looking after family & home and retirement as drivers of economic inactivity diminished relative to 2014 with a decline
of 8% and 9% respectively.
Economic Inactivity, 2019
Economic Inactivity by reason, 2014-19
BTD Area Barrow Cumbria England
No. % No. % % %
Economic Inactivity 10,800 33.8% 11,400 28.6% 18.8% 20.9%
Rate (16-64)
% of economically
inactive who want 1,500 14% 1,800 15.9% 17.5% 20.9%
a job
Source: Annual Population Survey, 2019; People, Employment & Note: No data is available for temporary sick and discouraged.
Skills Strategy Group: Evidence Base, CLEP, 2019