Page 139 - Minutes of meeting
P. 139

The Labour Market Challenge

 Precarious Employment  Proportion of Workers in Part-time Employment, 2018*

  Sector                   BTD Area             Barrow           Cumbria          England
 Part time work accounts for 28% and 29% of
 employment  in  the  BTD  area  and  Barrow  No.  %  No.  %          %               %
 respectively, which is in line with Cumbria (29%),  Agriculture and Mining  0  0%  10  15%  25%  19%
 but lower than England (32%).  Business Support Services  145  26%  185  28%  35%   37%

 In the BTD area, part time work is a prominent  Construction  135  14%  170  15%  16%  16%
 feature in hospitality, leisure and recreation (60%),  Creative  30  26%  35  28%  22%  21%
 retail (60%) and public administration, education
 and health (44%). The prevalence of part time work  Financial and Professional   470  27%  590  28%  29%  20%
 in these is broadly in line with the rest of Barrow, but  Services
 higher than comparator geographies.  Hospitality, Leisure and   1,175  60%  1,430  60%  55%  56%

 Overall, about 4.1% of Barrow’s workers are
 employed in non-permanent positions, which is  ICT & Digital  75  17%  80  17%  19%  14%
 slightly lower compared to Cumbria and England  Manufacturing  225  2%  265  3%  6%  8%
 Other Services            80       43%        95      40%          31%              32%
 Public Admin, Education,
 Proportion of Workers in Non-Permanent   Health  3,125  44%  3,535  45%  44%        41%
 Employment, 2018*
 Retail                   2,230     60%      2,390     59%          52%              51%
 Barrow  Cumbria  England
 Transport                 90       13%       100      14%          15%              16%

 No  %  %  %  Utilities and waste  10  2%      15       4%           4%               8%

 Warehousing and Logistics  55      37%        55      24%          24%              16%
 Non-  1,200  4.1%  4.6%  4.6%
 Permanent   Wholesale     60       17%        70      19%          17%              15%
 Work  Total              7,905     28%      9,025     29%          34%              32%

 Source: BRES, ONS, 2019; Annual Population Survey, ONS, 2019  * No 2019 figures for BTD area is available.
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